Incredible Morning

Jan 16, 2010 16:48

Last night i slept SO WELL which is a bit of a boon since my sleeping problems had been making me fairly tired over the past week. I slept so soundly i didn't wake up when Ben got up before me. While he was out of bed i had strange dreams and nightmares.

DREAM: My parents decided they didn't want their old house anymore, the house of my childhood, which was looking a bit dark and ramshackle. So they built a new house out in the common area (a sort of park area) out right behind the back fence. I told them "I don't think you are allowed to build in the common area!" but my mom said "Its ok to build out as far as the creek." "What creek?" i asked. In real like there is no creek, just a path, but as i walked out back there was no path but instead a silvery stream running over mossy rocks, and in fact everything looked more magical and forested than in real life and instead of common area the trees went back into deep light dappled woods. The new house looked very incongruous to the magical forest surroundings, actually it looked plasticine, boxy, and kind of ugly, like a manufactured home. So i decided i wanted and would take over the old house.

The old house was dark and kind of falling apart. As i was walking around in it i started to realize there were animals walking about. Something was wrong with them. All of the animals were cocooned in fabric, covered, even the eyes covered up with fabric, even the insides of their mouthed, lined, as it were, with fabric. Deer. cats. tigers. Skinny wild dogs. All zombies. Dead and wrapped up in fabric, walking around. There was a tiger walking around sewin into a fabric fake tiger striped linen cocoon. Then they started to turn. Started to sense me. And i started to run.

There was lots of dark running from room to room. Lots of seeing shadows of zombie animals and people passing over windows. I kept avoiding them and evading them, but they were getting closer, finally i ended up in the downstairs bathroom and realized the door was broken and wouldn't latch. I was holding on to the door know, pulling with all my might, but they were pulling from the other side, wild fabric mummied dogs, growling...

At this point i woke up, Ben crawled back in to bed and cuddled with me. It was such a relief, to be woken up from my nightmares to such sweetness. It feels so good to be wrapped in his arms. We stayed like that for a while. It was an excellent morning.

After a while of laziness we headed out to Trader Joes and we finally bought some decent coffee that didn't taste like burnt ass like the Starbucks shit. On the way i got a craving for a Burger King dollar burger...but Ben ruined it for me by telling me THIS. UCK BLARGH. So he felt bad about grossing me out, and we drove all the way to Pollo Loco instead. :P

After that, home, coffee, hugging Chester and petting Gandy, an episode of Kids in the Hall, then off again. To Bongo. Got to hear what has come together on the new Mercury Tree song, Ben doing new tapping stuff and live looping it, and even though there were a few mess ups and lots of redos i could really hear it coming together, all three musicians meshing together so beautifully, doing something new, it brought tears to my eyes, literally. Every time i get to sit in on one of their practice sessions i feel so privileged and amazed. I am so proud of them. Especially Ben, but of course all three of them.

Now, off to work, certainly not the highlight of my day, but i had a wonderful morning and afternoon, and now i am going in to work with a good attitude, on a fluffy cloud of happiness. :3

coffee, love, dream, nightmares, day, music, dreams, mercury tree, ben, morning

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