Wah wah wah

Apr 12, 2009 16:26

Feeling a bit depressed and tired and wishing i could figure out what i could do to mentally pick myself up a bit.  I've definitely had more than my share of whiny over the past few months so i should really cut that out.  Life is good, after all.  There are a lot of things to be happy about.  I'm in love!  I have good friends.  I've been doing fun things.  I don't know what my problem is sometimes.  Sometimes it is just harder to keep sight of that when i am in physical pain.

Anyhoozle had a great date last night with the Ben, went out for delicious sushis, both of us achieved maximal food coma status.  Sushi is great, i have been craving it often lately.  And plus Ben is my favorite company to keep.  :)  He and his band finally regained their use of their practice space.  Ben had been recording Moses Smell the Roses' new album in their space, it is all done now (i think?) and it sounds great.  I guess they also picked up an inexpensive, semi broken drum kit...but all the things that are broken are either repairable or not needed.  P.S. Ben is super cute.

Tonight i am heading over to help Salem paint his room white before he moves out of the house he is currently in.  I think he may be moving in with my friend Kate which is super exciting!  Her apartment is right near the awesome area of Hawthorne and its a really good deal so i hope that situation turns out to be good.  I'm hoping there may be drinks to be had tonight, although honestly with how tired i am it might just make me pass right out.  I was kinda hoping to go dance at HIVE tonight but my back is throbbing in pain and i don't know if that is such a good idea, or if i can even manage to stay up that late tonight anyway.

Oh, changed my haircolor!  It is a mix of blues and greens now.  I may post pics of it on the flickr soon.  I'm waiting until i don't have ginormous bags under my eyes though, seriously, its gross today.  I like my hair i think, but it might take a little getting used to...i don't feel like it compliments the colors many of my clothes very well.  We'll see, either i will adjust and get used to it or add abit more blue to it.  I'm not usually a green person, but i was just...i don't know, in the mood for it.

whiny, salem, happy, love, sad, moses smell the roses, flickr, mercury tree, ben, tired

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