May 11, 2005 23:07
ok well i have to post this.. i lived the most embarrassing moment of my life on monday...
so i was in my class and i was standing in the middle of the class looking at some people paint their blocks.. and well other people were using the computers, but i was the only one in the middle.. so from no where .. i get pants... hardcore.. everything came off.. my underwear and everything.. i was butt naked in the middle of the class,
all i remeber is picking up my underwear super fast. and then every one turns around and starts laughing at me... i was embarrassed... i didn't know how to react... i was just laughing and laughing... and the teacher came out and laughed... i was crazy... and yeah thats what happen...
any ways changing the subject i'm scared for kicker dance i don't know the dances and niether does tammie.. lol...hope all my friends go... so i guess thats all....