Sep 04, 2008 20:30
* The class I'm teaching (Intermediate Spanish I) is pretty good. I still had a few students moving in and out of the class (register/drop), but nonetheless the ones that have stayed have been pretty good. It makes for a struggle, though, when both the students and I have absolutely no energy whatsoever (like this morning).
But I'm enjoying it. Finally I get to go in and pretty much run with it the way I run with it. Granted, I do have a pre-made syllabus, but the methods I use to teach are mine, assessment is mine (as far as making quizzes and assigning work), and classroom management right now is pretty much nonexistent because my students are grown and not kids (sorry, Amy).
I look forward to doing this for a while... even designing my own courses one day.
* As far as the classes I'm taking, they're pretty good. It's only a matter of remembering to do my homework what with being an instructor myself. More on these classes another date...
... because I'm going back to watching my sports.