Mar 05, 2004 21:22
* . . . W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue? nose
2) be serious or be funny? funny
3) drink whole or skim milk? skim
* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*
4) simple or complicated? I'm so complicated I confuse myself. Not to mention everyone around me.
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) flowers or angels? flowers. life is beautiful.
6) grey or gray? grey
7) color or black-and-white photos? I love the black and white photos that have like, 1 or 2 things in color.
8) lust or love? both, all the way!
9) sunrise or sunset? both. Sunrise and sunset are my favorite times of day.
10) M&Ms or Skittles? skittles
11) rap or rock? rock, baby!!!!!!!
12) staying up late or waking up early? staying up late
13) TV or radio? radio shows are hilarimus
15) eating apples or oranges? apples.
* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *
16) Do you have a crush?: unfortunately :(
17) Who is it? psh. like I'd tell you. ::scoff::
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
18) being hot or cold? cold cuz you can always be warmed up by a beautiful stranger ;) or a friend...
19) tall members of the opposite sex? I like guys who are taller than me but I got nothin against shorter guys.
20) sun or moon? I can't choose between these.
21) emeralds or rubies? emeralds
22) left or right? I'm right handed.
23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 10 best friends! :P
24) sun or rain? rain, of course! I LOVE RAIN DANCING!!
25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? definitely vanilla
26) boys or girls? once again, how am I supposed to choose? lifes no fun without boys but I need my girls cuz they understand. boys need girls to keep them sane and girls need boys to keep them sane. thats how it rolls, man.
27) green beans or carrots? carrots, I guess...
28) low fat or fat free? who gives?
* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? I hate spiders and I'm kinda afraid of heights.
30) Kids or no kids? I'm leanin toward no kids. You'll understand when you live with 2 kids under the age of 2. Untill then, dont even try to get why I dont want kids.
31) Cat or dog? cat
32) Half empty or half full? It depends on which half is bigger at the time.
33) Mustard or ketchup? mustard.
34) Hard cover books or paperbacks? paperback.
35) Newspaper or magazine? magazines are my world. I love magazines.
36) Sandals or sneakers? sneakers
37) Wonder or amazement? both.
38) Red car or white car? red. I'm gettin a red car. But I think I mite paint it black and put a red pinstripe on the side.
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? happy and poor
40) Singing or dancing? well, I guess it kinda depends. If I want to move my body and express myself without actually saying anything, dancing. But if I want to express how I feel through music and words, singing.
41) Hugging or kissing? how the hell am I supposed to know? Hugs are great from everyone! but I dont know about kissing.
42) Corduroy or plain jeans? plain jeans
43) Happy or sad? it depends on whats going on at the moment. sometimes I want to be sad and I dont want people to help me.
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
What time is it? 7:30
First & Middle name? Ephram Elizabeth
Nicknames: Ephram, Valentina
Names and ages of siblings? Jalen- 19 months, Jordan- 5 months
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 15 :( but only half a year untill 16!!!
Date that you regularly blow them out? el cinco de octubre
Pets? cat, dog, and two little monsters who scream alot.
Height? 5'7"
Eye color? almost black
Hair color? medium dark brown. I want it to be darker tho.
Piercing(s)? 6 in my ears.
* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . .
Where do you want to live? San Francisco, Chicago, New York or Barcelona.
How many kids do you want? zero
What kind of job do you want? I want to be a lawyer, but the fun kind that goes out with friends on the weekends.
Do you want to get married? eventually, I guess. If I find the right guy.
* . . . W H I C H I S B E T T E R . . . *
2 doors or 4 (on a car)? 1! I want a UFO.
Coffee or ice cream? coffee
Shampoo or conditioner? they both serve their purpose
Bridges or tunnels? bridges. I love the wind carressing my hair and blowing it into my eyes. I love feeling like I'm so small the world is so big. I love being afraid of falling.
One pillow or two? well, my head is like, hugomungous so I need like 5 pillows... just kiddin. I only need one.
* . . . F A V O R I T E S . . . *
Salad dressing? Italian
Color of socks? white or black.
Toothpaste? crest or colgate.
Food? Polish and Italian
Toothbrush? My black and white one. I wish they made a black and red one. that would rock my world.
Alcoholic drink? I dunno yet.
Non-alcoholic drink? coke.
* . . . R A N D O M . . . *
1 MINUTE AGO: Talkin to Katy on the telefono and dancin around my room.
1 DAY AGO: bein at skewel.
1 WEEK AGO: at the movies with Krissy and Sarah
2 WEEKS AGO: uh... I have no clue.
1 YEAR AGO: hangin out with my compadres at cronie
I HURT: my heart, every day.
I LOVE: my friends
I HATE: spiders and people who are superficial.
I FEAR: spiders and heights
I HOPE: that I am deserving of great love and life.
I FEEL: mysterious
I LISTEN: to music todos los dias y todas las noches
I DRIVE: I will drive a Honda CRV
I MISS: this one feeling...
I LEARNED: dont expect the unexpected, live life by moments, and be friendly to everyone.
I KNOW: that I have so many great friends that I love more than anything and would never forfeit.
I WAIT: for the feeling to return to my heart.
I NEED: nothing
I THINK: life is great
Current Clothes: shorts and a T-shirt
Current Mood: serene
Current Music: Do U Only Wanna Dance- Mya
Current Taste: Strawberry
Current Hair: in a ponytail thinger
Current Annoyance: Katy playing with my lighter...
Current Smell: strawberry
Current thing I should be Doing: checkin out movies
Current Book: Tale of Two Cities
Current Refreshment: Gatorade
Rock hard,