Hold The Hand Of Your Best Friend, Look Into Their Eyes, Then Watch Them Drift Away.

Feb 24, 2004 20:27

This is probably the only entry I will make public. Whether you are Pro Same-Sex Marriage or Anti-Same-Sex Marriage, I really want you to read this. It has a lot of meaning to me, and the only paper I've been truly proud of.

It didn't start out as a paper however. I started writing out thoughts for a livejournal entry because I couldn't get online at the time, and I didn't want to forget what I planned on saying, and it turned out to be a paper. And a damn good one, if I do say so myself [which I do].

So please please read it. Don't make me beg.

Pro Same-Sex Marriage

Today I learned my mom and my sister are against same-sex marriages. First of all, my sister is sixteen years old, she's religious, but not high on it, doesn't read the Bible, yet says, "It's wrong because the Bible says so." She's one of those 'God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve' people. My mom is against it because to her, it is flat out wrong. The Bible says it is, so in her mind, that's the right way. The example she used is as follows: 'According to the Bible, murder is wrong. So someone who kills another should not go free. Their reasoning should not justify their actions. So therefore, because the Bible says it's wrong for same-sex couples to get married, they shouldn't be allowed to.' I agree with the murder part. But same-sex marriages and murder are two different things; one dealing with anger and hate, the other dealing with love.

My question for those against same-sex marriages is this: Do homosexuals not deserve the same happiness heterosexuals have? Do they not deserve a normal life just like everyone else? Without the slandering, the judgment, the hate and anger because of the person they are. Of course they deserve the same things. Let’s face it, being homosexual has a lot to do with their very being, who they are as a person. After all, they ARE people too. They have feelings just like any of us. Just because they love someone of the same sex, does not make them any different from anyone else. It’s almost the same thing as being racist, prejudice, etc. I don’t know about you, but I have always been taught that it’s wrong to hate someone for the color of their skin, the religion they choose to practice, or whatever the case may be. Many people get upset when they see two guys or two girls kissing in public. They find it disturbing. Well maybe homosexuals feel the same when seeing two heterosexuals kissing. Most people don’t stop to think about that, probably because they don’t care, but it’s true. It’s very unfair for us to be so judgmental, and to tell people how to live their lives. And that’s exactly what people are doing by being anti-same-sex marriage.

It is not our place as society to tell homosexuals they’re not allowed the same marriage rights heterosexuals are. Their lives, and what they wish to do with them, have absolutely nothing to do with us. It’s like what if someone told you (this applying to heterosexuals) you were not allowed to marry your significant other because you’re both from a different race, you both practice(d) different religions, your significant age difference, your height, or they just simply couldn’t or didn’t want to picture the two of you together for other various reasons. All of you would stand up for yourselves, and fight for what you believe in, would you not?

If your answer is yes, then I’d like those of you against same-sex marriages to reconsider your thoughts about same-sex marriages. These people are doing exactly what you would, fighting for their rights. I have always believed in same-sex marriages, and I will continue to give and show my support for these people until the day I die. A lot of people seem to be against same-sex marriages for the same reason my sister and mom are; the Bible is against it, religion has everything to do with it, and whatnot. This also has to do with the law, and a matter of justice. Religion has been separated from school and education due to many rising issues, and the controversy it caused. So it should stand that some religious beliefs be withdrawn from the law for the same reasons religion became separated from school systems. Homosexuals should be granted the same marriage rights heterosexuals have in the name of equality. We as a society need to come together, and unite. And once again, get past one of the many hurdles our country, as well as others, has had to face, many worse than same-sex marriages, and move on with our lives. Let love be love, and the rest is history.

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