I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love.

Nov 01, 2005 11:07

Crazy, the things you find out about people when you learn to read them. I have this habit where I overly psycoanalyze people -it's just this habit, I cant help it. And of course just by talking to people you find out things that really surprise you. Or at least usually. It's funny how people try to tell you one thing or project a certain way they feel and they put on these blatantly false facial expressions but it looks like it takes just about all their effort to do. No, no actually it's not funny. In all honesty it makes me queezy. So queezy I feel like taking that fake face to the curb teeth-first... go AHX on them if you will.

And yeah, I guess we all do it time and time again. Just to avoid the effort of talking about anything any deeper than the last ripper we went to or how much we hate work/school/ whatever the petty gripe of the moment is. Whatever, I'm just sick of it. Especially from people I like/ respect/ or who I've actually stood up for despite other people. If i have the curtesy/balls/respect to to be real with people despite any differences in personality/opinion, I expect them to do the same for me. It's not that much fucking effort after all, and surface conversations where everybody agrees on everything are A)boring B) pointless and C, JUST FUCKING PISS ME OFF.

On another note...

It's finally official in my opinion. Im the sanest one in my family. Or rather... both, not just one, of my parents are completely mental at this point.

They are fighting through email and then emailing me with what the other one said, and of course one or both of them is lying/completly exagerrating to a ridiculous point, because their stories never make any sense when compared to the other's. (And here i actually wonder why i dont trust anyone). And of course then come the ludacris assumptions about me, before they even have the courtesy to ask me where I stand or whether what the other said is true about me. I dont even know if I'm conveying this little peice of pointless drama clearly. But in any case, they're so self-absorbed it's disgusting. The only times they care about me is now that all their other relationships are failing/have failed or when they're trying to get back at each other.... or basically when one of them is drunk and feeling particularly weepy(and childish). I'm sick of having to step up to the plate and be the most mature one of the three of us. For example... the other day part of the conversation with my mom really pissed me off:

her-"Have you been out to [way too expensive resteraunt i forget the name of now] yet?" Me- "Mom, I qualify for foodstamps which i haven't had time to even get yet. I can't afford to go to [resteraunt from above]." her-"We'll I knowwww, I just wanted to see if you'd gotten one of your rich boyfriends to take you there, or what."

Rich boyfriends, mom? RICH BOYFRIENDS?? $&^&*)*%^#^$@$@$!&*)(#!!! When is she going to get it through her puffy blonde little head that I'm not the shallow, stuck up, high class ivy league money-sucking athlete-humping South Shore small rich town stepford girl clone she once hoped to raise me to be?

Denial, denial, denial.

I've got work to do.
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