Bucket list...

May 11, 2010 22:16

Yes, I know, I haven't used this thing in forever. I'm on here now with a mission... to create a bucket list. I had one but I've added IMMENSELY to it!

I challenge you to comment here with your own. Perhaps we can all inspire eachother. I need a few more to get to 100. :)

1. Visit Australia
2. Scuba Dive
3. Visit Africa
4. Visit Asia
5. Visit Europe (2009, 2019)
6. Volunteer for a humanitarian trip
7. Gamble in Vegas (2012)
8. Island Hop around Greece
9. Ride in a helicopter
10. Climb a mountain (2019 in Portugal... Pico Ruivo, Madeira's highest peak)
11. Participate in a marathon
12. Reach 1000 Geocaches
13. Bike ride between 2 cities
14. Try snow shoeing
15. Make maple syrup from trees I tapped myself
16. Get honey from bees that I raised myself
17. Go on an Cruise
18. Try Archery
19. Shoot a gun (2013 at James' dad's house)
20. Become fluent in French
21. See the Northern Lights
22. Try ziplining
23. Attend Mardi Gras in New Orleans
24. Attend Oktoberfest in Germany
25. Soak in hot springs
26. See the pyramids in Egypt
27. Attend Dia De Los Muertos in Mexico
28. See Machu Picchu in Peru
29. Roadtrip along West Coast USA in a convertible
30. Go to all Canadian Provinces
31. Visit Newfoundland (2017)
32. Participate in a Habitat For Humanity project (2015)
34. Wine Tour in the Napa Valley
35. Wine tour in the Okanagan Valley (2008)
36. Wine tour the Niagara Region
37. Take a cooking class/course
38. Go whale watching
39. Go to Carnivale in Quebec city (2020)
40. Participate in La Tomatina in Spain
41. Learn Sign Language
42. Make homemade bar soap (2017?)
43. Volunteer at the food bank
44. Go backpacking through Europe (2009)
45. Go on a cruise
46. Go to the Louvre museum in Paris
47. Trace my ancestry (2020)
48. Get a ½ sleeve tattoo
49. Get a back piece tattoo (2008-2010)
50. Go to the Moulin Rouge in Paris
51. Live, study, or work abroad
52. Take a self defense class
53. Take a bus tour of Toronto
54. Go to NYC
55. Give $100 to charity, anonymously
56. See the Eiffel Tower in Paris (2009)
57. Buy a homeless person a meal
58. Go on a weekend hiking trip
59. Stand under a waterfall
60. Milk a cow
61. Win a contest
62. Attend a demolition derby
63. See a show on Broadway
64. See the Statue Of Liberty
65. See the Colosseum (2009)
66. Break a world record
67. Go to Salem for Halloween
68. Eat a fish I caught myself
69. Go Snorkeling
70. Camp in nature, outside of a park or private property
71. Sleep on a beach
72. See a psychic
73. Get CPR certified (2017)
74. Spend a minimum of 4 weeks straight on vacation
75. See the Canadian Rockies (2008, 2021)
76. Become an organ donor
77. Fly first class
78. Travel the UK
79. Play a full round of golf
80. Learn to knit and make something (2016)
81. Go white water rafting
82. Go to Coney Island
83. Make a meal from foraged food
84. Learn to play all of Moonlight Sonata on the piano
85. Get my full G drivers license (2011)
86. Take some sort of art class
87. Visit a volcano
88. Learn to drive standard
90. Hike up a glacier (2008, Athabaska glacier BC)
91. Camp at Lake Placid, NY
93. Ride a camel

bucket list

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