I am at home and therefore have fewer qualms about staying up until 2:30 am, as I don't have 9 am class tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day, or the next day. I do, however, have it the day after that. Crap. Why can't spring break be two weeks long? Then I could play Age of Empires III AND get my bajillion pages of reading done.
Some observations I've had lately:
In a college dorm, you can tell a lot about people by the things they leave outside their doors. Outside my door, there are usually at least three pairs of shoes that I initially left out there to dry, but was just too lazy to take back in. Make of that what you will.
Friday nights at school are dumb. After pirate rehearsal and tea, I never know what to do with myself and pretend to do work and feel sorry for myself until play- or movie-watching time rolls around. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to pick bad plays or movies to watch on Friday nights, which put me in a weird mood and then make it impossible for me to do work afterwards. This has led me to the following conclusion: I need a hobby that is both socially acceptable for Friday nights, stimulating, and makes me feel remotely productive. (Actually, the first two aren't really necessary-- as long as something is remotely entertaining and makes me feel like I'm getting something done, I'll enjoy it.) Suggestions are much appreciated.
It is highly likely that at least one person I know now will marry another person I know now. This is probably true for you too, o casual livejournal reader who attends or has attended an institute of higher learning. This observation can be scary, as it implies that somethings will never change, but also reassuring if one does not think too hard about just who those future married people might be. DON'T think about it. See? Isn't it reassuring how some things will never change?
Fuck internships. I am going to make the most of this summer, even if it involves me contemplating my navel and picking my nose. Provided I survive this semester. Eep.