
Jun 20, 2013 17:34

Ok, what my last post was all about ( Read more... )

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papertowlbtrfly June 22 2013, 01:56:54 UTC
Yeah, it's like there of just a group of 10 kingdoms of the foreshadowing timesconglomerates that run everything truly :(

You can sign up for or get a pump one of three ways:

You can go to the pump.io page and click on the top left button labelled "try it now" and that will take you to a random pump that someone else (who I guarantee you knows what they're doing far better than I !!) and just register
you tell me what you want to use for a user name and I'll set up an account for you on my pump (that I talked about last post but don't want to say because this is a public post). I have to set up accounts server side because I closed registration.
You can follow along with the directions on the pump.io page and install your own pump (tell me if you do though cause I've got some tips I learned the hard way)

It doesn't matter what pump (service/server you get an account on) you go on but it's preferable that you run your own pump because the idea is to have lots of people running their own pumps that can all talk to each other. Thus, it is a network like other social networks but in the true sense of the word because there really isn't a central point and everyone can be in control of their own pump. Whatever you decide to do, be sure to add me!

How to add me:

If you're on my pump:
Log in and just add a backslash after the server address (the part before the @ I said I was in the last sentence of my last post)and then put my user name (the name after @ I said I was in my last post) and hit enter. You'll see a blue "follow' box. Just click that,confirm, and make a post so I can say hi :)

If you're on another pump:
Log in to whatever server you're on, then go to my server address followed by a backslash and my user name (the name after @ I said I was in my last post) . Click the blue "follow" button in the top right corner or choose "log in" from the top black bar (does the same thing). That will take you to a page that has a link that says 'account on another server?' at the bottom. Click that. Type your username and server/pump/service there (i.e.xxxx@xxxxx.org) and then confirm that you want to add me. Then make a post so I can say hi :)


bronchitikat June 23 2013, 09:54:54 UTC
Durrr? Sorry, technically inept. Will look at it when I'm feeling more awake.


papertowlbtrfly June 26 2013, 09:23:31 UTC
Okies, I've got to make some sort of how-to page with a domain name soon anyhow so I'll let you know when I get it up :)


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