I can see clearly now...

Jun 30, 2009 12:28

I'm on track with my 21-day challenge, I just haven't posted the trophy cuz I was getting bored with it so I figured you guys were too.

I HAVE NEW GLASSES! I got two pairs, both memory titanium. one full-frame in cobalt-blue, one half-frame (a first) in a coppery brown. they both look great, but the blue look really hot, so those are going to be my every day. and, thanks to melebeth's suggestion, I paid less than $45 total for them. I had to wait two weeks, but that was worth saving $50-150.

I've had to wear glasses since I was 2 years old. and I've always loved it. I know most little kids hate and resent wearing glasses, especially when they're teased about them, but I couldn't even see to read, watch TV, or play outside without mine as a very little kid, so that made a huge difference. also, part of wearing glasses was choosing them, and I got to do that myself. once a year, I got to choose a new, expensive, pretty accessory, and I got to have whatever I wanted. I didn't have to worry about what it cost or how we were going to pay for it, and it was just mine. I suppose it's silly, but I've never gotten over feeling like my glasses were special in that way, even though as an adult I do have the anxiety of worrying about how to pay for them. anyway, I squeed for about an hour last night when debboamerik brought up the package with my new glasses, and then I just walked around the apartment looking at things. I'm gonna go drive the car somewhere REALLY FAST just for the hell of it. cuz I CAN. nyah.

sweat baby sweat, what's going on

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