I joined
Spark People last week to help me get back on track with working out. it's a FREE online nutrition and weight management website. one of the first things you do is choose three short-term goals to start to program, and one of mine is to write in my journal every day. it's fun so far, there's a lot of tips, support, and feedback. they also have topic-specific community message boards, and one of the first I found (it actually found me) was one of the daily fitness challenge ones; it suggests a different strength or cardio exercise to do 3-5 times throughout the day to "quick fire" your metabolism. I have no idea if it's actually effective, but it's a lot of fun and it's got me interested in working out again. I also had to choose three short-term goals to start with; one of them is writing in my journal every day.
of course, immediately after joining, I got horribly sick and couldn't move or eat for most of a week. in addition to poisoning myself with a bagel, I got some kind of intestinal parasite or virus;
debboamerik got it too. hers didn't appear to be painful, just uncomfortable and... um... messy. :-P we're both mostly better now. we had a good weekend with
scooterbird and
efbq's Kid-2 and
klaughingbrook's Kid-1. we went to St. Al's on North Capitol for
klaughbrook's Kid-2's First Communion, which was a beautiful and fun service; the kids were adorable and justifiably proud of themselves. they'd done a lot of work, both spiritual and practical, to prepare. we then got a lot good-natured harassment about when we're going to have our own babies by several generations of
debboamerik's D.C. family (as well as a couple of offers of sperm :-P). our lives are not like other people's. :-P
I have two invite codes for
Dreamwidth Studios. they're NOT first come first serve, but FYI, I have them.