I got to say it was a good day...

Nov 07, 2008 22:44

woke up way too early this morning and opened presents from debboamerik; she gave me a Saxon belt knife, which looks a little like this except with a simple circular handle instead of a twisted one. she also gave me Ani DiFranco's Red Letter Year. then I did some shopping, I picked up some little stained glass picture coloring books to give the kids in my class at work as treats to celebrate my birthday with me, went to Accent Beads to browse, and then came home. I got all dolled up in my new birthday suit (actually, my new shiny, gauzy red blouse and black skirt) and went to work.

everyone oohed and aahed over me, especially the kids, and wished me a happy birthday. a couple of the kids did so unprompted, because I told them a few days ago that I was going to get a new dress and wear it to school for my birthday. the kids sang me happy birthday TWICE and made a big deal over how pretty I looked. one of them said, "I think you should look like this all the time," which was just precious. I brought a special snack for them (and chocolate for the teachers) and a present for my lead teacher because it was also her last day. I got lots of hugs from everyone, and the kids were very well behaved. they all LOVED the coloring books and insisted on having them/using them immediately. then debboamerik came and we were off to Blair Mansion.

murder mystery dinner theatre is hysterical. tonight's play was "Politics Is Murder," and the play is interactive and improv. debboamerik was quite an instigator, she practically set up one of the potential suspects to murder the victim by revealing his most damaging secret. :-P the audience acted as witnesses and, occasionally, straight men. there were, of course, tons of references to the current political situation, but the jokes about making political capital out of being seen with Black people got old real fast. otherwise, though, it was awesome. we were totally engrossed and had partnered with our table-mates and neighbors to solve it. and the food was delicious; good home-cooked flavor, buffet-style. I may not forgive debboamerik for setting me up to have "Happy Birthday" sung to me IN PUBLIC for the first time in my life, though.

tomorrow is ice cream and cake day. singsomelyrical brought me my traditional birthday cake from Lexington Market, and my girlfriend is making me strawberry fudge ice cream. if you want to share with me, you can come by tomorrow around 2pm. gimme a call if you need directions. melebeth is the best twin ever, as always. my youngest sister called, and gryfforin, and I talked to alaanu online, and jrj sent me a present. it really has been a great day.

you say it's your birthday

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