sunny came home...

Oct 17, 2007 11:37

so, for everyone I forgot to tell, we're back from CA. went for debboamerik's sister's wedding (her parents' best friends' oldest child), which also coincided with debboamerik's 30th birthday. the ceremony was lovely, Mission Santa Clara is gorgeous, and I think Jesuits are my favorite Catholic priests (the homily included the statement "Stalinism has no place in a marriage."), but I still think Catholic weddings have too much god in them; they spent another half an hour after they were officially married praising god before they got to kiss! they sang happy birthday to my girl at the reception and left a present for her at her table (her place setting said "birthday girl"), and her parents and the bride's parents gave her the most beautiful gifts. she even got to dance with all her sisters and some of her cousins and friends; it was good to see her so happy with her family. we didn't have to spend much time with her parents alone, which was probably best for everyone, all things considered.

we also spent two days in SF just wandering around, indulging in treats in honor of debboamerik's birthday and visiting with her godmother. we had hot fudge sundaes in Ghirardelli Square, went to City Lights bookstore (which has every nonfiction book I've ever wanted to read, included an entire wall of books just on environmental politics), toured the old ships on Hyde St. Pier, and saw more upside down gay pride flags than I've ever seen in my life. actually, I don't think I've ever seen an upside down gay pride flag anywhere else before; J's godmother suggested they were signalling queers in distress, but all the same I'm a little disappointed in SF. :-P I like J's godmother, she's smart and funny and clever and snarky, and she thinks we're cute and good together and doesn't take it seriously when we're playfully snippy at each other (though she does make us kiss and make up, a procedure I can't seriously object to).

way too tired to face unpacking boxes today (I don't sleep well in unfamiliar places), so I'm doing laundry instead. the washer plays a little song instead of buzzing when it's finished, it's a little weird. still no Internet in the apartment (using J's laptop to steal wireless from neighbors), but that should be remedied tomorrow. after that, have to write my brother, register for the Praxis, and finish my application for UMCP. if there's anything vital going on in your life I need to know about, you should probably call me and tell me; if you posted it here in the last two weeks I probably missed it and won't have time to go back looking for it.

fun is my spiritual path, ma petite amie, what's going on, we start and end with family, you say it's your birthday, school interferes with education

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