bring me angel food...

Mar 02, 2006 11:03

i've decided to do a modified version of the Orthodox Lenten fast with Jenise (she's an American Orthodox Christian). she didn't ask, but i've been thinking about it off and on since the period of the Christmas fast; we've had a lot of discussions and debates about the spiritual significance and rewards of fasting, and it's an experience i'd like to better understand. anyway, it started this past Sunday and continues until Orthodox Easter. the modification i'm making is including fish, since i can't substitute beans or soy for animal proteins. oh, and i can't drink coffee black, so i'm going to keep 1/4-1/2 cup of fat-free half and half i use every day. we're also both giving up most sugar for the duration. i've been using stevia as a sweetener in beverages for the past week with no problem, and i'm going to investigate alternatives to sugar and Splenda in baking; i've decided i don't want to risk whatever the long-term digestive consequences of regular use of artificial sweeteners might be.

thinking about doing this in advance i was worried, because as much as i love my job and my boss' family, being vegan at work irritated me a lot in the beginning and still grates from time to time. but this feels less like a sacrifice or imposition than an instinctive gesture of affection and respect, no more aggravating than clearing closet space or hearing her refer to Miles as "my cat," which made me pause the first time but didn't actually bother me.

ma petite amie, trying to evolve, the dining room proudly presents

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