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Jul 12, 2015 21:39

Everything is slime, everything originates in slime. The primordial slime of consciousness. 8.5 billion years ago on the Earth we know for certain that certain processes were set in place that would allow for organisms to begin to record and receieve and respond to information. Amoeba exhibited behavior that was blind, automatic, and meaningless, but behind the chemical behavior, still utterly blind, there is Consciousness wiggling its fingers, trying for the first time to open his eyes. This Consciousness, from behind all phenomena, singular, all-powerful, eternal, and alone has been wiggling its fingers, simply searching for a peephole through which to see itself. This wiggling is Life. So slime becomes wiggling. But what is the slime and the wiggling? The slime is the appearance of creation and the wiggling is the organized biophysical processes that originated to increase Consciousness's visibility to itself. Something like that.

So this slime complicates itself, grows, and becomes more capable and knowledgable about itself over time as a natural consequence of its perpetual wiggling; its perpetual vibration. Reality is like an epiphenomenon of Consciousness's seeking.

So somewhere form Behind All Things, there is consciousness trying to wiggle open an opening from which it could see the Universe. This wiggling is itself the Universe. The seeking is the creation, its cause and essence. Or, it could be thought of as a byproduct. In any case, this wiggling started 14.5 billion years ago (remember this is HUMAN-EARTH TIME; IT IS A FORM OF MEASUREMENT THAT PERTAINS ONLY TO OUR PLANET. We cannot ever EVER actually say "when" something happened, partiuclarly the beginning of the Universe). So let's just skip to the point. The Brain is slime, some sort of substance that captures, records, and interfaces with reality based on 8.5 billion years of slime interactions that have been stored as bio-electirc and chemical processes. So the Consciousness has wiggled, creating ripples of energy, which have organized and opened themselves into a vista of diversity, and the aim of all this was to see itself, but form a biological perspective it is to assimilate itself into a form that functions well. For a form to function well it must first have an environment in which to function. For enviornments to exist, pieces need to exist. Somehow, and we don't know why, God's wiggling behind the curtain of reality results in organized microscopic events that build upon each other. Somehow this is just the nature of energy and nothingness.

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