how do you fit a cow into subway?
take the S out of SUB & the F out of WAY
i had to go to the doctor to get a new butt..
because my old one had a crack in it!
read these lines aloud:
i m wee todd did
i m sofa king, wee todd did
these were the only ones i could remember, sorry :P
so, today at school, i wore my TOTALLY HOT SEX velcro shoes. i've been planning to decorate them with sharpies or something. instead, in english, jeri and i got out my washable markers and went nuts on them. now my shoes are technicolored with hearts, stars, and inside jokes. awesome possum, huh? yeah, and the best part: i can wash it all off and do it over again :D
oh and we took another CAPS test for the ITBS thingers. it was a really weird test, but it wasn't hard. i didn't finish some of the tests, but that's okay. those damn ITBS tests are FINALLY OVERRRR! :)