Also, I can kill you with my brain

Oct 25, 2008 14:12

Ahh, Halloween! You come the same time every year, with no deviation, and yet for some strange reason, you creeped up on me unnoticed until BAM! you are a week away, I'm invited to an early party and I still have no costume. Please don't do that to me again? It was not appreciated.

jak_frostty invited me over to her campus, because there was a Halloween party a week early. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet the many people I've only heard stories about. I was a bit disappointed that not as man people went in costume but it's possible Halloween wasn't just creeping up on me. I guess it went as typical college parties do. I'm not completely sure since it was my first one but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Well nothing that is, except for the basement. It was Huge! Definitely not what I expected. I didn't think college housing would allow for so much free space without a bed in it. I'm sure for $20 the school could make the place 'habitable'.

The group of maybe six of us spent the night dancing. Jess got the guy in charge of the music to play a remix of Darren Hayes, "Step into the Light". It was good but I prefer a different version of the song. After that we all took turns picking out what to play next. It was a bit weird though, about at that time I started to not feel like myself. It was probably just the proximity to so many new people, coupled with a busy week and a late Friday night, but I felt like I was acting a bit quieter than I normally would. Maybe I'll just blame Jess. You know, the whole changing your personality based on who you are with at the time.

Anyway. All in all, very enjoyable time. Especially since going allowed me to meet lotrvhluva. Jess thought we would get along so she introduced us to each other's journals awhile ago. Very smart move on her part.

After almost two months at this school, I think I'm starting to get what I would define as friends. Now, I haven't been a hermit since I've come here but, I always consider friends I've just met more as acquaintances until I've gotten a really chance to know them.

Shawna is my roommate and very much like my dad in personality. However, since she has no vested interest in my life or how I choose to run it, we get along fine. Actually we get along quite well. I'm used to people who are very controlling about their own lives and who as they say have their feet firmly planted on the ground. She knows what she wants and she gets it. No matter what the obstacle. You should have seen her when we moved in!
Shawna: I hope you don't mind that I took the bed by the window. It's really hard for me to wake up in the morning without seeing the sun. Also one of the legs was splintered. I already called to have it fixed. If you find anything of yours is broken, let me know and I can call them back. Nice to meet you, I'm Shawna.
Me: Uh..Hi. I'm Jackie. I take it you've been here awhile.
Shawna: Oh no. My family just dropped me off not even a half hour ago.

Yeah. Shawna is something alright. And just for reference, I'm glad she took the bed by the window. I'd rather live in the dark than deal with the drafts in the winter.

So despite the fact that I both applied for my character in campfuckudie AND was accepted on the first try. (YAY!) I still haven't been able to play. I forgot about the crazy amount of icons needed for the character to come alive. So now I'm spending most of my free time watching episodes of Detective Conan and screenshotting bits that have Kaito in both his mundane and costumed self, in the hopes that I'll be able to put together enough expressions to make it worth while.

And speaking of crazy projects that I really have no time to work on because of the crazy amount of schoolwork coming up in a few days is NaNoWriMo, also known as National Novel Writing Month. I stumbled across it last year at the end of the month and thought it was an interesting idea. So I'm going to try it this year. 50,000 words written in a month. Think I can do it? Prolly not, but it'll be fun to try. If only I knew what I wanted to write about.

That's about all the time I have for writing today so ciao for now!

cfud, nanowrimo, life

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