So. I should really be memorizing "Proof" right now or my monologue from "Philadelphia" or maybe even sleeping. Instead, I've been doing a lot of other inane but seemingly important things on the internet this night.
Solar Plexus Revisited
It's based on
XKCD - Solar Plexus and made entirely of bits and pieces of the original comic spliced together. I enjoyed making it, though the tip of my index finger is a bit raw from using the trackpad on my laptop instead of a mouse. The original comic just didn't really make sense to me. This one isn't too much better but I enjoy it enough.
I signed up for a writing prompt over at
da_halloween. There were quite a few choices I wanted to try but I think you can only claim one at a time and even if I could've picked more than one, I don't think that would be such a good idea right now. What I've got planned probably isn't any longer than a double drabble so I should be fine with the one. Also, because I've figured out that NaNoWriMo is just not going to happen to me this year. I've gotten about five hundred words into the story and well...that's as far as I will probably get before Christmas break.
College has not been good to my [insert appropriate adjective] sensibilities. As I've probably mentioned, the work is difficult and very different from high school stuff. I don't like this "read the book before you write the paper but don't expect us to go over the stuff in class" bit. How is that teaching? I could pull that off myself, without paying the outrageous tuition or the being separated from best friendsdon't know that I'll ever get over that.
At least the company is interesting. At the dinner table tonight, I was witness to an awesome conversation of epic proportions. I only understood parts of it, as English was not the language of choice for the night. There was at least three people at the table who spoke more than three languages fluently this doesn't happen very often and another couple who could hold their own in at least one other. My Japanese isn't good enough yet for me to have caught more than a word or two but its things like this that get me so excited about learning.
Afterward Ian, Shawna and I went to this poetry reading thing, which was cool but Ian and I kind of got distracted talking about his Women Studies class. At least an hour of discussion on prejudice in the workplace and society. Very intellectually ...stimulating.
I haven't had much time for RPing
Just_kiding this week but now that break is coming, I'll probably have a better shot at keeping up to date. BTW: I've catalogued all of his posts so far!
However, I HAVE figured out the next two categories on my Mediaphile Masterlist! Keep an eye out for "Websites I've Registered To" aka Where to find me and "LJ Convos"! Both are working titles and the convos will only be non-friendlocked and if asked, they will be removed
Time for sleep now.