fic: bones

Mar 05, 2008 23:41

Title: Somewhere Only We Know
Fandom: Bones
Rating: PG
Characters: Booth, Brennan
Disclaimer: Not mine. Not mine. Not mine.
Note: Just a ficlet...thing that wouldn't leave my head. I haven't written anything in for ever so it's likely a piece of crap. Oh well.
Word Count: 341

He found her sitting on the curb outside of his apartment building as he pulled up. Hands clasped loosely and elbows settled on her knees, she was staring upwards, probably naming every star in the sky.

“You shouldn’t be sitting out here by yourself Bones, it’s dangerous.” Shutting his door heavily, Booth approached his partner, steps heavy and dragging. He’d come from fighting with Rebecca, over something so insignificant it barely warranted a conversation, but again it had more been an issue of power play. Who had the upper hand, who called the shots. Rebecca had won out but Booth had admitted defeat before words had even left her mouth. He had no energy for fighting.

“I think I can take care of myself.” She looked up at him, face impassive and her eyes a million miles away, reflecting the pin pricks of light back up at him.

Booth didn’t doubt it and with a tired smile he lowered himself down next to her, shoulders gently bumping as he stretched out his legs.

Silence settled over them like a warm blanket, the only sounds the gentle whoosh of cars rolling past a few blocks over and of their steady breathing falling in time with each other.

“I’m tired, Bones.”

“I know,” In the past three months the cases seemed to come one after the other, the last being a 16 year old girl whose only fault was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The ugly truth of the matter had taken its toll on both of them. “Me too.”

“I think we need a vacation,” he muttered, running a hand roughly over his jaw and drawing one leg up, the joints in his knee cracking ever so slightly.

Brennan turned her head slightly to regard him, hair loose around her shoulders. “I don’t know how to vacation”

“I’ll teach you.”

She smiled, nudging her knee against his. It was almost just a reflex but to Booth it felt like an intimate touch. The weariness lifted just a little.

tv: bones, fic: bones, fanfiction

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