New Jeans from H&M

Aug 27, 2005 16:25

[EDIT]Valiant sucked, sorry but I'm really dissapointed by the movie. The humour was dull and grey and was just boooooring! Don't vast your money on it![/EDIT]

I was out shopping today at the mall, bough a new pair of jeans on H&M and looked at a very very very wonderful bag. It's pink.. 8)
The lights on the mall killed me, my eyes hurt and I was really terribly bored. I don't enjoy shopping clothes the way I used to before. Music and books are so much more fun. I can spend hours and hours in a bookstore or in a recordshop, but 10 minutes in a clothingstore and I'm dead meat.
But the jeans look good on me of course.. :P
I love my class, almost.. It's a nice class, half of it, to be exact. They're nice deep down. Likes good music and movies, and everybody has read Harry Potter. *hands out chocolate* I love them.

I'm going to watch Valiant with two friends of mine now, so I'll have to finish this one later.

toodles <3

Norwegian message from Lizz (HBP spoiler):
neineinei!!! Det er sååå sammenligning det med hånda!!!!
"noen andre" prøvde å drepe ham, Snape redda ham.
"noen andre" (draco) skulle igjen drepe ham, og Snape 'tok over', så han døde ikke.
I føste tilfellet har Dumbledore nå en hånd som ser død ut. den er det ikke.
I siste tilfelle ser Dumbledore ut til å være død. Klart han ikke er det der helleeeer!
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