Title: "In the Wrong" 8/10
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Warning: Mild swearing, some language not suitable for children. Hell this whole fic isn't suitable for children.
Summary: Seungri tried so hard. So why did it feel that no matter what happened he always ended up in the wrong
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Oh, and don't worry,bb Ri's got his time coming up soon!
*points finger at Jiyongie* YOU BETTER MAKE THINGS RIGHT JIYONGIE!! I'm warning you!! *huggles (and Seungri) you for being so awesome and angsty* <3
I agree though, I love the angst! Every so often a need a little fluff or crack so as not to get suicidal or something, but I could live with my angst GRI fics and be totally happy. :)
::ahem:: anyway, I'm really excited for your fic!
Lol, great minds think alike. angst is what keeps us going. crack/fluff is what keeps us on track XD. Such is the truth behind our life of GRi fandom babe XD.
I'm excited for my fic too XD I'm almost, almost done. Hmm...shall I give you a sneak preview? "Because as much as you hate him for hurting you when all you've ever done is love him, the last thing you would ever want to do is leave him alone in this cold, unforgiving world. As much as he hurt you, you still love him. Like a fool, your wounded heart still calls out for him even though his words still ring in your ear as clearly as the lyrics that fill your car on this bleak, depressing day."
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