Title: "In the Wrong" 4/10 Rating: NC-17 Genre: Angsty smut again! Warning: Some semi-hate smex! Summary: Seungri tried so hard. So why did it feel that no matter what happened he always ended up in the wrong?
yes, long chapter is long. ♥ it's crazy how jittery i waited for this update.
i don't know what's going on inside ji's mind but i have a distinct wish to introduce his head to a brick wall. he's hurting maknae and he knows it but still does it anyway. oh you selfish bastard. i love how antagonistic he gets, while still maintaining that personality trait uniquely jiyong. still doesn't make me not want to shoot him in the dick though.
and maknae. ohgod maknae. what are you doing to yourself? why are you putting yourself down and i cannot break away from his inferiority complex. and idk. my heart breaks for him. i wish he wouldn't keep clinging onto the notion that everything will be alright with ji and keep allowing ji to hurt him mentally and physically. seriously, it breaks me up when i read the paragraph where he was all 'It wouldn’t be fair of me to hold him back' and I was all 'MAKNAE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU' and then i just want tabi or bae to fix him and make him smile again.
i really pity tabi. he's just. trying so hard to protect and maknae still turns to jiyong and what is happening. D: i love umma!bae, he's sweetly caring. and daesung. poor kid always stuck in awkward roles.
i love this update. idk what i rambled throughout this comment though. i love you okay. i can't wait for the next chapter. ♥
YOu guys have no idea how bad i want to bail on work to day and just stay home and write this fic. I have the next two each half done and seriously some of the stuff you wrote is totally coming up!!! hahaha you are so amazing!
I'll flail over your amazing comment when i come back!! brb
as much as i want you to skip work and continue writing, i don't want you to get into trouble okay. so don't worry, we'll wait patiently! you know we love you! :D
i don't know what's going on inside ji's mind but i have a distinct wish to introduce his head to a brick wall. he's hurting maknae and he knows it but still does it anyway. oh you selfish bastard. i love how antagonistic he gets, while still maintaining that personality trait uniquely jiyong. still doesn't make me not want to shoot him in the dick though.
and maknae. ohgod maknae. what are you doing to yourself? why are you putting yourself down and i cannot break away from his inferiority complex. and idk. my heart breaks for him. i wish he wouldn't keep clinging onto the notion that everything will be alright with ji and keep allowing ji to hurt him mentally and physically. seriously, it breaks me up when i read the paragraph where he was all 'It wouldn’t be fair of me to hold him back' and I was all 'MAKNAE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU' and then i just want tabi or bae to fix him and make him smile again.
i really pity tabi. he's just. trying so hard to protect and maknae still turns to jiyong and what is happening. D: i love umma!bae, he's sweetly caring. and daesung. poor kid always stuck in awkward roles.
i love this update. idk what i rambled throughout this comment though. i love you okay. i can't wait for the next chapter. ♥
I'll flail over your amazing comment when i come back!! brb
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