For some reason, I never really liked Matt Damon until I watched these Bourne movies.
And Bourne Ultimatum was really really funny to me. Dunno if it was purposely done that way, but the last half of the movie,
He drives his car off a roof... gets into... oh... I dunno... how many cars did he hit trying to run away? Five? Ten? I kinda lost count. XD But yet, he escapes without a scratch! Because he grabs onto his seat belt. L O L
No mere car bomb can stop Jason Bourne for he is apparently Superman. XD
The part where he sneaks into the office was awesome. I'm in ur office, stealin ur top secret documentz. XD
And when the lady was faxing them, why didn't the guy just pull the plug?
It was grand indeed. And as much as I enjoyed the movies, I hope they don't make another one. I thought this third movie wrapped things up rather nicely.