Oct 03, 2007 14:37
Vancouver is doing that Vancouver thing, where the sky is packed with a really thick layer of grey-blue-white clouds. Layers and layers of clouds. The North Shore has this thick white static billows of mist hovering in between the hills. It's really cool, and I love this kind of weather. Minor complaints- clouds being too thick to see the sunset (OR the sunrise) and the fact that it's doing that Vancouver thing where it starts raining (HARD) at the drop of a hat, rains like that for about 15 minutes. Stops. Randomly starts again sometime later. This be rainforest, bizniches.
There is a spider living on my balcony. It's not a harvestman/daddy longlegs. It's got a dime-sized teardrop body and spindly legs. I'm not sure what kind of spider it is. (Though, I've seen websites where you send in pictures of weird bugs and friendly neighbourhood etymologists will ID your weird bug for you.) This spider is crazy, though. It's spun a fairly big web and it sits in the middle of it. It's doing it right now, I can see it from my window. Black spot against the white clouds. The winds have been pretty violent, and there was a day-long rainstorm at the end of the weekend. But the spider survived. I think it's been out there the whole time.
Exhaustion kicked my ass randomly. I think it just does that sometimes, it's a function of That Thing That's Wrong With Indicia, though That Thing is getting Less Wrong as we speak. I'm back on the webcomic. I'm thinking I might just work on it all through the Thanksgiving weekend with She Who Must Be Obeyed and The Alpha of The Universe. I have the first episode like, 90% written. It's to the point where I should just draw and improvise the dialogue. Dialogue is really no problem, it just flows naturally. Three of the four protagonists are chatty extroverts. It's just a matter of me sitting down with Illustrator and a Lot Of Coffee. I shall.
While the first episode has Tanager and Cobalt as the viewpoint characters, the second has the remaining two protagonists- Anemone and Saturna. I was just thinking that Tanager and Cobalt are kind of like 'the social worker angels'. To them (and to the focus of their episode), the problem is a disturbance that must be solved. Both are concerned with keeping Heaven running smoothly. Anemone and Saturna are sort of 'the action movie angels.' To them, the problem /conflict is all about finding and chasing and fighting a concrete goal/enemy/etc. It's sort of like the genre (or at least the feel) of the story shifts with the viewpoint characters. It's interesting (to me- ha.)
But yeah, shinies ALL over the place. So... SHINIES. The first arc is very concrete-plot-driven anyway.
Oh yeah. I've taken like 300 pictures of OMG FALL LEAVES. Because.... BECAUSE! They're pretty. There's a line of black locust frisia trees up on 7th Ave that I am obsessed with. They are SO bright yellow! I've taken like 2083204823409 pictures. There's these other trees that are turning a rainbow of yellows and golds and hot oranges and this blushy pink red all at once.
Another thing- ten zillion chestnut trees around here. Chestnut trees are really cool. I love the leaves. I think Tanager (being a glorified spiny bird, anyway) would like to live in a chestnut tree. They're very thickly leaved and would offer a lot of cosy privacy. I think she'd build a nest in there or something (and hell, angels are angels, they look- mostly- human, but they don't really have fully human personalities.) That would be cool. I think Anemone and Cobalt are the only ones who actually have real normal beds to sleep in. Saturna has an ongoing love affair with alcohol (and drugs), so he passes out kinda... wherever. I guess.
So yeah, I guess I'm ok. That's enough TREE SQUEE for today. I've never squeed about plants before, have I? Did I ever get around to squeeing about chrysanthemums? Can't remember.