(no subject)

Apr 04, 2008 14:16

Iron issue settled down again, but no Island for me this weekend.  Gotta stay in town.  Work.

Pink cherry blossoms are slooowy poking their way out.  The really great ones are on 10th and 6th avenue.  Waaaiting on these.  I still need to photograph the white cherry fairyland that is Burrard Station.

MOAR rain.  I guess.  Bought new clothes, which is something I have been neglecting while 'in-process' healing-wise.  I have to finish 5 smallish painting commissions of Vancouver Island fauna for various people.  Cadmium red is officially the best color ever.  Yeah, I know watercolorists are supposed to be all about the earth tones.  Indian red is nice too.  But omg gimmie my neon orange-red.

Anti-abortnoids at the corner of Commercial and Broadway.   Three of em.  Placards around their neck about how YOUR CHOICE KILLZ BABIES U BITCH.  (Ok, I made up the last part.)  Bleh.  They looked Indo-Canadian, which is surprising, since usually the crazy pro-lifers are obnoxious white people.  Huh.  I was on the 99 and did not get yelled at by them.  (White ones yell in my experience.  OMG U JEZEBEL.)  I might have said something snotty like 'yah, but if I chose to keep that pregnancy, aren't I technically killing the other prospective babies I could have otherwise had within those nine months?  Aren't I technically killing babiez when Auntie Flo comes to visit?  After all, reproductive cell = BABY with these people.  Hey, home come they aren't in guys' faces about jerking off?  OMG ALL THOSE MILLIONS OF DED BABIES.    Actually, I'm still tired so I probably wouldn't have bothered.

I now officially have bigger problems with low serotonin and endorphins than BLOOD SUGAR.  Whee.  I could eat sugar if I really wanted.  But I don't really wanna.  Stuff's too harsh.   Blood sugar's healed up kinda.  Now just gotta apply the same healing process to those OTHER TWO.  Very naughty they are.

uh...  There's a dog living across the hall from me.  It's a little dog, a yip-yip dog, and it cries whenever it's owners leave (I think.)  It's crying right now.  Poor dog.  Dogs aren't allowed in this building.  Neither are cats.  Yet... cats everywhere.  Cats definitely live here.  I guess the new!landlady doesn't much give a fuck.

Oh well, poor dog.
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