Hello lovely ladies (and genteman) of lj land. Happy Mothers Day to all of you moms out there.
And *grumble grumble* happy moms day to me. Both Lydia and I have a rotten cold, resulting in a rotten attitude for one little lady *sigh*. Thought we were going to go to my moms house for the day, but of course that didnt happen. She was icky on Friday and then I started coming down with a sore throat that night and well, there you go. I feel drained, its been one heck of a weekend.
I did get a lovely agate, rose cut pendant and a small stuffed penquin that Lydia is "borrowing" for a few years lol. And, keep your fingers crossed, but Jeff should be getting a check next week finally. Jack has been such a little dick about it. He injured his foot last week, and has been very melodramitic woah is me and I told Jeff to tell him that if he didnt pay him he would injure his other foot :P Ha. Ha. Between medical bills for us from the past six months and medical bills for the cats, we are going to need some extra cash flow.
I went to the library today and checked out
The Subtle Knife and
The Amber SpyGlass which are sequals to
The Golden Compass, a book I purchased awhile back and have read religiously in the past three days. They are by Philip Pullman and they are wonderful. They are catagorized under young adult, but pfft, so is Harry Potter and Nix's Abhorsen series and I love those too. So if you like fantasy, check them out, they are worth the read. And speaking of my library, I love it! They are a small library, of course, in a small town, but I can go online and see if they have certain books, and whether or not they are checked out-how awesome is that?
I also went to Cato's to try and find a skirt to go with a shirt that I have, but I was luckless. I found a couple of cute ones, but I am too short and they are too long *sigh*. I would love to find something just a bit below knee length that is flowy, but it seems that style was so last season :P And I tried on a pair of capri's and they were too big and they didnt have a smaller size so I just went with some tops instead. I got a cute sleeveless hippie like shirt that I am wearing right now. I dont normally like sleeveless but this one is cute and flattering.
Ok so blah blah blah. FIN.