Jul 23, 2005 16:06
And if you say "EWWW LYKE GOD UR AN EMO WANABE! *complain complain taunt taunt mock mock*" then please go kill yourself. It just happened to be the only good picture I took. Get over yourself. :)
THE LYRICS are from a Delerium song called Run For It, and I love Delerium! <3
ANYWAYS. I'll post something more journal-y.
This little girl came over today, she was my mom's friend's daughter. Dear god. She was maybe four and already a Power Ranger wannabe. She kept picking up my remote control and bashing me over the head with it. I swear to God, I have bruises. XD
But I'm naturally patient with most kids, so I went with it, and only occasionally glanced at my mom. ...glances that said HELP ME. But it REALLY got bad when my brother came over with his friend Teddy. She took my coin bank, and, emptying the contents, began throwing pennies, nickles, and dimes everywhere. But mostly at my brother and Teddy. She would throw them with all her might (which apeared to be a lot, by the way) and cackle evily each time. Then, not satisfied with petty metal disks, she began throwing ANYTHING she could get her hands on.
She threw a teddybear. Then a nail file. Then a pencil. THEN MY PORCELAIN BANK, which I luckily deflected before poor Teddy could get a concussion. Then, squealing with unadulterated glee, she hefted up the biggest item of all - a giant black maglite flashlight that we have in case of earthquakes...or intruders, if you get my drift.
LUCKILY that's about the time her mom came in and said "Okay, Vivian, let's go!" you could audibly hear the sighs of relief from all of us. I think Vivian's mother took the sighs as "awww, we wish she could stay!"
My mother told me afterwards that her friend had considered hiring me as a babysitter for little Vivian. My response was, "AAAH. If I went to her house, she'd know where everything is, so she could throw what she wants. And I don't trust that little girl if she's already discovered her home's knife drawer."