Title: Two Sides
emeraldswordPairings/characters: Merlin/Arthur, Morgana, Morgause, Leon, Gaius
Rating R
Warnings None
Word Count: 26877
Betas: MASSIVE HUGS go to my amazing beta
metal_dog5 for putting up with me sending half completed drafts and saying 'um, I know I said I'd be finished by now, but I definitely will be finished tomorrow, or maybe the day after'. SUPER THANKS also go to
versipellis for thinky thoughts when they were sorely needed, my artist
reni_m for wanting to know what happens next and my sister
lycoris for brainstorming, proddings and cheerleading! She's also to blame for the title. THANK YOU ALL.
Summary: When Arthur pulls Merlin over the Beltane fire with him, neither of them realise what he has just started. Only when Arthur starts using Merlin's magic do they realise that there's a problem, but can they solve it before someone finds out, and before Morgause and Morgana carry out their scheme?
Art link:
The wonderful drawings are here! and you can comment on them
here! Please thank
reni_m, she did a wonderful job!
Disclaimer: I have no connection whatsoever with the BBC, I do not own Merlin and am only playing in this sandbox for fun.
Part 1Part 2Part 3 Read it on Dreamwidth as one fileRead it on AO3 as one file