2015 Book Poll

Jan 04, 2016 17:54

Do note: this post is public, unlike most posts.

I mark which ones I listened to because it's helpful to me; please feel free to check them off if you've read / listened to / consumed these books in some other way.

View poll: 2015 Book List

So there are 73 books in the poll, and those are the distinct reads this year, but I have 90 books on my list, because I did all of the Dresden books and one of the Taylor books twice this year. Of those 90, 75 were audio books, leaving 15 books-on-paper. Of the 90, 48 were re-reads. So there was a lot of comfort reading this year.

It was fun to revisit the Harry Potter books; it was the first time, I think, since I finished the last one in 2007. I also did a sweep through and picked up all the extant short stories in the Dresden-verse, but that doesn't list well as books. I really enjoyed The Laundry Files, and I really enjoyed getting back to China Mieville this year. I'm looking forward to seeing where The Rook goes next.

Some really great and really difficult non-fiction this year. I don't even know how to pick standouts; they are each very much what they are. Except not Feynman. Because I'm cranky like that.

Comments welcome!

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