Sep 03, 2009 01:20
Hallo all,
I just thought I'd put the word out in case there is anyone out there (on my flist or friends of people on my flist) who likes Apple computers and would like to sell them. My dad is looking for someone to work at Macs-4-U in Midland. He's looking for more of a salesperson than a technician. It could be a full time position or it could be not quite full time depending on what the person is after, but 3-4 days a week would be the minimum. Anyway, if you know of anyone, let me know.
In other matters: It seems a little bit cheeky, when I haven't updated in ages, to update with an update which is not actually an update about my life...but I'm SLEEPY! I am tucked up by the fire at my parents' house in the hills...haven't been here in ages, it's so good to be out of the city even if just for a late evening. But the fire makes me sleeeepy.. In short: things are, rather predictably, very busy but good. Some key things include: I have a Blue Room play on (3 shows left!), I am tutoring a drama unit (fun!), I got my progress report in (phew!), we have a new housemate (she is vegetarian, yay! easy cooking!), and I have a grand plan to make cupcakes at some point, as my housemates have both caught cupcake-making-fever and between them have made at least six batches in the past couple weeks...I think it is contagious.
Of all the things that could be contagious, this is a good one, though.
And on that note... goodnight :)