May 18, 2009 19:02
I love getting letters. It makes me feel happy. It makes me feel special. I love going out to the letter box when I've heard the postie go by and pulling out the little bundle and flipping through and finding something with my name handwritten on it...I smile and my heart does a little flutter. I don't know if that's a hangover from my childhood relationships and correspondence with relatives-other-than-parents-or-sister (including and most significantly grandparents) being conducted entirely by post, or whether everyone likes getting Things Just For Them (that aren't bills or bank statements) in the mail.
What is hilarious is that the action of checking the letterbox is similar enough to the action of checking the assignment box at uni that the feeling translates. I thought it would wear off after a couple of semesters, but it hasn't. I get the key from above Peter's door...I open up the wooden box and pull out a little bundle of assignments with green handwritten cover sheets...I flip through the bundle and find some with my name on them and there it is! Little thrill of glee!!! Woo, assignments for me! (When all that finding more assignments under my name actually means is that I have to do more work.) I wander past the box and even though I emptied it a couple hours ago I peek inside just in case.
Considering that marking is not my favourite pastime in the world, I find this hilarious :)