inspired by a long conversation with beller, where we discussed how, among other things, i was taught since before i could read that biblical creation was a fact and not to listen to my science teacher when he talked about fact if you asked my almost 23-yr-old siste who is about to graduate from nursing school today if she believed in evolution, i'm sure she'd say no....i looked up
"baptist" on wikipedia.
it's really interesting to read a scholarly article describing...well, you.
or at least a group you once identified strongly with
try it. try looking up, i don't know, "liberal". or "american".
that's you they're talking about.
i like to say that christianity is the foreign country where i grew up. even though i haven't lived there in many years, i can still speak the language, and sometimes i find the old songs comforting.
the wikipedia article jibes pretty well with my understanding of the church.
although they make the baptists sound almost kind of spunky.
i guess maybe they were...for the 17th century.
also, for extra credit:
evangelicalism .
we were conservative evangelical baptists (not southern baptists, and not fundamentalist christians), if you're curious.