word mutilations that piss me off to an irrational extent

Jan 08, 2009 12:20

- laundrymat
- expresso
- whip cream
- duck tape

...like i'm liable to think less of you as a person if you use these in writing or in speech.

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drzachary January 8 2009, 17:31:28 UTC
What do you think of eggcorns?

'for all intensive purposes'
'escape goat' <-- my favorite.


jessebeller January 8 2009, 17:51:02 UTC
i always liked "for all in tents, and purposes"


drzachary January 8 2009, 21:07:08 UTC
is that an eggcorn though?


loopbliss January 9 2009, 00:15:45 UTC
"for all in tents and porpoises"


jessebeller January 8 2009, 17:52:28 UTC
also "should of," "could of" etc
also "mediums"


papergreen January 8 2009, 19:44:57 UTC
eh. small potatoes.


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papergreen January 9 2009, 01:52:01 UTC
as in psychic?


jessebeller January 9 2009, 02:39:14 UTC
you mean psychics

but also as in "what size t-shirts are these?" "mediums"


jessebeller January 9 2009, 02:45:07 UTC
a lot of these examples can be correct in certain contexts.

whip cream can be imperative, duck tape is not only a brand name but also what one does when a roll of tape is thrown, etc.

improper usage is still improper usage. even though a screwdriver works on screws, screwing a nail is still wrong.


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papergreen January 9 2009, 02:49:21 UTC
the colloquial usage is what everyone who's commented on this post is railing against.


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papergreen January 9 2009, 02:51:31 UTC
and it's still not. even if you're stephen colbert, the word is "truthiness".


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papergreen January 9 2009, 18:24:55 UTC
"truthiness" is obviously a neologism and not a colloquial usage of anything. he coined the phrase. on purpose. to describe something that did not previously have a word for it.


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