Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

Feb 21, 2015 11:42

To save forever. My MI loves me. Mutual.

Because everyone else speaks "huh?"
and you speak "Yes!"
Because you're a tire swing in torn jeans
not a paisley summer dress.

Because today I woke up with a toothache
a fever
a near empty bank account
and yet I'm still a believer
Because eating cold pancakes
served by a hateful waitress
with you
was still better than most things
I do.

Because while we were driving home
half lost on iced back roads
you fell asleep
to the radio
you fell asleep
and it made me drive slow
because I didn't want to kill you
in your sleep--

And because you're the only person on the planet
I could say that to
who would understand what I mean.

today I fell in love
with distant chimney smoke
spiraling up past a horizon of telephone wires-
I was happy for cold strangers
that someone was tending to their fires.

Because I tell you this
and you say nothing
when you smile.

Madisun Medved 2015

poem me a porch swing, mi

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