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Dec 16, 2005 18:41

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1) Which of your friends should whenkowsfly go out with? lol, a girl from La, but I can't tell who :P
2) Would emergencyxexit and dead_archduke look good together? **shudder** I love you two, but no way in hell
3) Do you think berliniloveyou is hot? Mm, gorgeous
4) Is ruby_slippers_ athletic? sure
5) What color should iluvforks dye their hair? RED OR PINK STRIPES!!!!
6) If dead_archduke and oy_poodles_ were siamese twins, where would they be joined? the ankle, then they'd run speedy together!
7) Is diana_was_like introverted or extroverted? extra-extroverted...most of the time...
8) Are irritated_bunny and celticleopard33 going steady? **snort** no
9) Where was greenshinycar born? ...uh, L.A.?
10) Would you ever date whenkowsfly? dunno, maybe- oh the irony! :P
11) Would you make out with _hardaysnight_? oh yeah, hot and passionately! (I love you jazz)
12) How long would i__will_survive dating 2iggy_5tardust last? la-hahahaha, funny, really funny, FOREVER!
13) Do twistandshout21 and _hardaysnight_ go to the same school? yupyup
14) Would you set up 2iggy_5tardust and irritated_bunny? tch, nah
15) If cloud12actress were hanging off a cliff, what would ruby_slippers_ do? flex arm hang, have catherine grab her ankle, and bring them to safety.
16) Is faerie_icecream a nerd? nah, she's a toughy bully mushroom awesome chic flick!
17) What is emergencyxexit's shoe size? ...6?
18) Is inked_line in a relationship? yes, with her father
19) What do you disagree with i__will_survive about? I HATE PINK!
20) What is yellozebraspots's biggest flaw? not being in any of my classes 'cept bbs, when she's a whole room away practically
21) How would _hardaysnight_ kill serinajohnson? WITH HER DRILL SKILLS!!!!
22) Are dead_archduke and itzallaboutyo0 married? ...**dies**...**stands up again** no way!
23) How long have you known whenkowsfly? 2 and uno half yearses!
24) What animal does berliniloveyou remind you of? cockatoo
25) If picperfect1 took over the world, who would be happy? photographers- they'd get to take pics of a gorgeous taker-overer
26) Is emergencyxexit dead sexy? yes, deaddyinglivingbreathing sexy!
27) How would serinajohnson conquer the world? with her inner powers!!!
28) What rank would manofthestreet have in a giant robot army? anything, he'd be happy to be in any army, any rank :P
29) Does magicaterra know i__will_survive? yup
30) If itzallaboutyo0 and diana_was_like were spliced together, what would be its name? Davana
31) Where was magicaterra born? L.A.?
32) Have you ever dated diana_was_like? Mm, 6,000 times, it was hot (lmao)
33) Is ruby_slippers_ a college student? nope
34) Would runningspace224 and ___kissthe__sky make a good couple? no, I don't think so
35) What would dead_archduke think of oh_exodus? hot- hothothothot "OW!!! you bit me!"
36) What would you do if faerie_icecream died? cry like a pussy boy with a scraped knee...for hours
37) What is serinajohnson's favorite color? black or red, can't remember
38) Is twixflavored an emo? NO!!!!!! that would be terrible!!!!
39) Have you flirted with sophsticatdxgrl? yeah, for hours at a time, I just love Karla-la
40) Does fish_food_x do drugs? CUOTFL!!!!!!! **cough** no. not as far as I know
41) What song/movie would you recommend to serinajohnson? Loki
42) Is iluvforks your best friend? no, I hate her (<3 you Kels-kels)
43) What exotic animal would got_iain like as a pet? a casting list that followed him on an imaginary door
44) What is darkened_black allergic to? vegetables
45) Has twixflavored been to your house/dorm? yup, to me party!!!
46) What comic book character would emergencyxexit be? SUPER MAN!!!!!!!
47) If sleep_walkers had a superpower, what would it be? to control the mind and create...anything
48) Does twixflavored drink? sometimes I wonder....lol, no
49) Does yellozebraspots have a crush on picperfect1? yes, a crush like WOW!
50) If berliniloveyou was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? fashionless straight guys
51) Where did you first meet got_iain? school
52) Is iluvforks popular? yessssssssssssssssss.
53) What is fish_food_x's favorite band/artist? **snort** rapraprap. I wouldn't know specifically anyone, because it's all the same to me.
54) Is cloud12actress a high school student? nah
55) runningspace224's hair color? Blacl/brown
56) Does irritated_bunny have a dog? yup
57) If ruby_slippers_ and manofthestreet were spliced together, what would it be like? uncomfortable and quiet
58) Does 2iggy_5tardust travel a lot? don't think so....maybe
59) What do you agree with mangledprimate about? no clue.....urban is love? ethan's hair is gross? she hangs out with druggies!!!! lol
60) What animal should 2iggy_5tardust be combined with? ehehe, monkey!!!!
61) What would blushinbabe8192 give fish_food_x for his/her birthday? who knows?
62) If emergencyxexit took over the world, who would suffer? pink
63) One thing you can't stand about itzallaboutyo0? he's a pill sometimes
64) Would you wrestle twistandshout21 in jello? haha, yeah!!!!!!!!
65) What would you do if you found out itzallaboutyo0 has a crush on you? be grossed out at first, then forget about it
66) Do you have a crush on 2iggy_5tardust? Mm, yes, I'm in love with him (lol)
67) When did you last call blushinbabe8192? last night!
68) How many monkeys could blushinbabe8192 fight at once and win against? hahaha, four
69) Is sleep_walkers single? yup
70) Where would fish_food_x most like to visit? ...SB
71) If yellozebraspots commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? everyone
72) How tall is magicaterra? the line between tall and short
73) Is irritated_bunny related to you? nope
74) Do you have inked_line's screenname? yup, for yahoo
75) What is oy_poodles_'s favorite game? goofing around :P (with me!)
76) What flavor of jello would whenkowsfly be? **snort** coffee!!!!!!!
77) Does greenshinycar go to your school? hehe, unfortunately for him, yeah
78) Did greenshinycar break up with you? LMAO!!!!!!! we'd never go out, we'd kill each other! lol
79) One quality you find attractive in celticleopard33? her eyes (woohooo!!)
80) What mental disorder does got_iain remind you of? scitzophrenia
81) Is got_iain related to i_love_bubbles? no
82) What would mangledprimate do differently in your shoes? wear shorter shorts and skirts without tights
83) What planet should oh_exodus be from? venus
84) Which president would i_love_bubbles be likely to idolize? lincoln!!!
85) Are yellozebraspots and cloud12actress going out? yeah, steady and harddddddd!!!!!!
86) What word best describes celticleopard33? unique
87) Could you see _hardaysnight_ and twixflavored together? no, never, they'd murder each other....and they both prefer guys
88) What video game does yellozebraspots remind you of? ....video games?....I know none.
89) Thoughts on 2iggy_5tardust? can't tell you to chill or perk up, because you're either super-chilled-emo or hyper-
90) Has twistandshout21 dyed their hair? don't think so....
91) Does itzallaboutyo0 smoke? ha, no, I don't think so
92) What is darkened_black's favorite movie? any anime almost
93) What languages does magicaterra speak? english, and bits of french
94) Would twixflavored be a better ninja or pirate? she'd be a wonderful nina-piratess
95) Is ___kissthe__sky friends with fish_food_x? yup
96) Does silverish_spoon have a big secret? I think so-o!!!! mwah, love you sini
97) What is runningspace224's favorite food? apple sauce(three stooges moment)!!!! and Oatmeal (uncooked)
98) irritated_bunny's eye color? darkdrak brown/black
99) Would manofthestreet go out with cloud12actress? I....don't....think......so.....jack's got other interests.
100) Is inked_line 1337? what the hell?
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