one by one, i got the things i desired

Dec 28, 2009 01:10

Heyhey, how's it feeling that 2009 is ending? I don't think I'm going to end this year with a bang, nor will I start 2010 with another bang. My stupid travelling plans were cancelled so I have basically nothing to look forward to anymore. (zzz trust parents...) The sad part is that I'm going to start school tomorrow. For the first time, I'm not ready. I want to sleep. I was too busy running around for the past few days - I am sleep deprived. Not a good way to start a new term. But I'll confess that I'm secretly looking forward to receiving my papers back (Nerd speaking 8D).

So as usual, we're all going to reflect on our 2009s and see how much we'd changed since 2008. So I dug out the quiz I did on January 2nd 2008 (it's on my other blog), edited some of the questions and here we go. :D

In 2009...
Did you have a good 2009 and why: I would be lying if I said no. Sure, I was sad and I cried more than I ever had in the past years of my life. But I just can't say that 2009 is a bad year. I can't seem to find the reasons why but I'm going to follow my gut feeling and say that "2009 was a blast for me! \m/"

Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year: Knowing myself, I know I would break my own resolutions so I made a resolution to enjoy 2009 and not have any regrets (I think! Honestly I can't remember what resolution I made.) And I can proudly say, I did it! :D Of course, I would make more next year.

Did anyone close to you give birth: No one got married either.

Did anyone close to you die: Not 2009.

What cities did you visit: Most unfortunately, for the year 2009 I didn't travel. ):

What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009: I want to have the courage to be slightly more thick-skinned and not get wavered so easily.

What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why: 8th August 2009.

What was your biggest achievement of the year: Maintaining a good studying habit throughout my semester. I aim to keep that up. :D Oh, and reading from what I wrote last year, I controlled myself when it comes to love and I guess, less scandals for me too.

What was your biggest failure: I was naive and I thought friends would stick with me forever. Who would have knew so many had gone and left me behind...

Did you suffer illness or injury: Nothing major.

What was the best thing you bought: My dearest beloved lappie ♥

Whose behavior merited celebration: LOL! Well... I suppose my polytechnic clique? For bringing fun into my school life.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed: Actually there are a few but I don't think I want to name names. Neither do I want to harp on it and ruin my mood.

Where did most of your money go: DO NOT ASK.

What did you get really, really, really excited about: I remembered how excited I was for school. I'm such a nerd, I know. ):

What song will always remind you of 2009: I want it to be Black Eyed Pea's "I Gotta Feeling" \:D/

Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder: I'm much, much, much happier.

b) thinner or fatter: Oh my god, I'm fatter. Seeing Theron eat makes me want to eat too, you know? And he eats A LOT.

c) richer or poorer: POORER, oh shit.

What do you wish you’d done more of: Travelling and spending more time with the friends whom I'd lost along the way. (In a way, have I grown more apathetic too?)

What do you wish you’d done less of: Wow. I don't know? Maybe over-thinking of situations?

How did you spend Christmas: Eve was spent with my boyfriend's family and the day itself was spent with my family. It wasn't the event that made me happy, it was the company and knowing that you're not alone on such an important day. (:

Did you fall in love in 2009: Last year, I said I wouldn't fall in love because I'd never experienced love. But the best part of it all is that love comes when you least expect it. Otherwise, it's forceful and that just becomes infatuation (which I have a plenty).

How many one-night stands: Unbroken record of none.

What was your favorite TV program: Phineas & Ferb, LOL! (y)

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year: I met new people. I love new people. I hate new people.

What was the best book you read: I didn't read much books this year, but I read the 13th book of the Series of Unfortunate Events. Favourite book and why am I not surprised? :P

How do you think you have changed this year: I got rid of my stage fright. You can say my self-esteem is growing. I'm learning to trust and love myself. I'm learning to love. I've learned many lessons, as usual. If that's what life isn't already about?

What did you want and get: My own laptop.

What did you want and not get: Erm... a DSLR but I didn't really ask for it.

What was your favorite film of this year: IP MAN, WHEE~! V(^^)V

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you: I spent it with my boyfriend and I turned 18. (It's like the more I age, the more sick I get of birthdays. I don't really like them anymore...)

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying: If I'd not foolishly given myself so easily to somebody who didn't appreciate it. I don't really think about it much anymore but when I do, the embarrassment and anger is quite revoking.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009: Rainbows, bright colors (especially yellow), a mix between sweet and punk. I'm turning towards clothes which flatter my figure. (:

What kept you sane: I wasn't exactly insane and on the verge of dying but if I must say, Uncle P probably played a lot of parts in this.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most: In 2009, I didn't really fancy any so I can't answer this question.

Who was the best new person you met: I can never answer the 'person' part in this question. I met Theron, Diana, Bee Ching, Piak, Ced & Mawice. Best people ♥

What was one good quality you thought you possessed in 2009: More self-esteem - I got over my stage fright. I can present relatively well now.

What was one bad quality you thought you possessed in 2009: I let my thoughts took me away to a place that was far from reality.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009: If a guy that you like doesn't appreciate you, don't hold onto that glimmer of hope. If he isn't going to do anything for you, it is likely that he wouldn't do any in the near future. A coward is not worth any of your emotions.

What do you look forward to in 2010: I want to experience what it's like to be going steady with someone - what it's like to have someone always loving you and having your back.

Any big plans for 2010: FUN. (Unchanged since last year :D)

I spent one bloody hour reflecting on my 2009. Wowzers. Sighs, I'm so bored but at the same time, I'm too lazy to make conversation with people. My apologies if our conversation died. I guess I should stop procrastinating on my sleep. See ya, peepzo.



Oh and I stumbled across this photography site: I kinda' spent hours there browsing his portfolio, it's quite attractive in a way. But I'm going to have to warn you first, it's M18 and contains like a gazillion nude female photos. One of the reasons why his photos attracted me is that he don't use gorgeous model-like women but uses your next-door-neighbour-kind-of-lady and uses photography to take an angle that makes her look like "WOW!" It somewhat teaches you that anyone can be pretty. :P At the same time, it teaches you that photos are deceiving. XD

2009 quiz, !quiz, love, friends, school, photography

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