Happy birthday to
dusted_rainbow, who shares today for growing old.
1 1/2 hours left of being a teenager (I was born at 4pm).
Being a teenager has had it's ups and downs for me. I suffered the loss of my grandfather when i was 13/14 which led to two years of suicidal depression and becoming a somewhat pathalogical liar which ended up in a few friendships changing as a result - I have gotten over both since and no longer wish to kill myself or to lie.
But as my life enters its 20's I've decided to treat it as an adventure. I'm practically on my way to Australia next year, and I've decided that I want to apply to NYU to do a creative writing degree - I've always wanted to study in the States so it's just one plan I have.
I've wasted my teenage years and I don't plan to waste the years that are to come. Part of me has this feeling that I'm going to die young - not sure why but it's something that I've always felt, but life's going to be good from now on
One thing I didn't acomplish when I was a teenager was to become a published author by the time i was 20. It would have happened had the deal not been a scam but give me a couple of years and I feel as though my writing will be strong enough to get published - it's already changing now for the better.
Thanks to
aliciad86 and
englishstrawbie for your birthday wishes