Nov 16, 2003 18:08
i just got home. i'm so tired. so so so tired.
i fell asleep at around 3:30. i woke up at 9am, the morning. today, me and sabrina ordered breakfast and watched porn [not while we ate though, hah.]..we also watched Kill Me Later, Panic Room, and Stand By Me. Great movies. Then we watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer.....then we went out cause sabrina needed poster board for a project, and then we bought some mc donalds. after that, we went home and her mom took me home. fun fun weekend.
i can't see alex today :(
i have homework, and have to clean, and we're probably gonna eat dinenr soon so they will probably not let me go out.... that makes me sad.
i'm too lazy to spell check or capitalize.
i'm done. bye.