"You make me feel like I am home again"

Oct 27, 2007 19:15

 My cell-phone service is out currently until further notice, so don't bother calling.

Last night I stayed over at Brianne's house watching scary movies. We picked up a buttload of discount Halloween Candy and..omfg..."Candyman". We also watched Scary Movie 4 and Dick which is a hilariouslyyyy funny movie. We stayed up late enough to catch the 3am showing of Jerry Springer and laugh our asses off. In the morning we went haunted house searching but didn't find any good ones, so we just went back to Bay Park, watched Saw 4 and panty shopped. I also got a new bag and some new toys for Lily. Which btw, Lily is staying here permanently now ;D

Anyway, Sam's birthday was yesterday. I guess it didn't go perfectly but that's alright. We're re-celebrating it in Spring because I say so. :D his present isn't much, mostly a movie, shrunken head, and a few other odds and ends. But really...it's Sam, y'know? Expressing your love to him is a bunch of odds and ends in general. Again, it's not much and it'll be late but I'm shipping it on Monday on overnight delivery using some of my saved-up ring-money.

I don't feel as if I'm good enough for him still, but I can change that. I know I can, because I'll be there. I'm going to get accepted to that college, I'm going to take my ACT/SAT tests, and I'm getting a job. Because, I know that as long as he's willing to wait then this thing is going to last (as I hope it does).

So, know what? I am going to give Gwen and Sam the best Birthdays ever in spring. 
We're talking New Orleans style ;D Everything from shrimp-smoothies to mutated virgin chipmunks.

I love you guys <3 so much.
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