Doo Doooooo doo doo...

Mar 26, 2006 20:26

Scent of the Day: Hell's Belle - in honor of Scarlet.

Today's Healthiest Habit: A healthy breakfast.

Unhealthy Habit: A delicious cheeseburger and tots from Clocked for dinner. (yum!)

3 day Training: Not so much. But a few days ago, I updated the team page. It looks pretty sweet if you ask me!

Today was the last day of the Classic City Classic Movie Festival, and Rob and I went to see Gone With the Wind. So feakin' fantastic. To see the epic on the big screen was an amazing (if lengthy) experience. The print was fantastic, as they always seem to be for this festival. I went to North by Northwest on Thursday night (um, WOW), and Raiders of the Lost Ark on Saturday afternoon. I had a ticket to Breakfast at Tiffany's on Friday night, but after the very late night on Thursday and a long day at work on Friday, I decided to take a nap before the movie. Well, long story short, Rob tried to wake me but I wouldn't get up... so I missed the movie. Which is too bad, because the special guests were Patricia Neal and Mickey Rooney, both of whom I would have loved to hear speak. Ah, well... c'est la vie.
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