LJ Interests meme results
- biology:
Well yea Biology intrests me...Even though I might sound like a total geek saying that but meh I do like it. - collecting:
I collect alot of stuff. Again with the geekishness :S but hey...It's a good hobby - concerts:
I love going to gigs!
Going to Wednesday 13 pretty fucking soon!
wooo - culture:
I like learning of other cultures aswell as religions it is really intresting way of getting to know someone. - dvd's:
Need I explain?!? - friends:
I only have about 3 and I hardly get to hang around with them but I love them ore than anything in the world!! - headbanging:
I just love headbanging. The complete rush of blood makes me hypoer =) - learning:
I'm not a geek. Because I only learn what intrests me. - music:
it is my life. Without it I'd probably die or something - nazi germany:
Really intresting.
Dr. Mengele is an extremly mean guy!
Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.
Well today was pretty shitty since I'm feeling pretty shitty. I really want to move schools! And I hope I will be soon...Hopefully. And as my usual dad he is moaning about me having no friends!
I mean WTF?!?
I do have friends
Sarah and Heather because well they are the only ones I hang around with :(
I wish I was a more social person...Like my friends are. They make friends pretty easily where as me. I don't...I'm scared incase Sarah and Heather leave me and I'll be back to how I was before I met them. A loser. An outcast. No friends what so ever. **Sigh**
And I feel like some sort of friendless twat writing this. I mean Heather is starting to piss me off recently. She changes her opinions really fast and funny she changes to the same as me =(
I just feel really bad and have been feeling like this for ages...