After reading this on
vicodin_vision's LJ (and laughing so much I think I burst a lung), I thought I'd pinch it and have a go too.
Under a cut, since it's a big bugger.
1) What was the first Final Fantasy game you played?
VIII. I thought I rocked at it ‘cos I got onto the third disc without developing my characters much, but then I got my arse well and thoroughly kicked by Seifer’s little cronies on board that Lunatic Pandora ship or whatever it’s called. So I started again, like, four years later. And kept getting my arse kicked. Finally completed it last year (omgwtf, took me 6 years).
2) Which FF games have you played?
VII, VIII, X, X-2 and XII. I’ve done both Kingdom Hearts, too, but don’t get me started on those.
3) Which is you favourite FF game?
X for plot and depth, and for Lord Braska (ye Gods I love him). VII for all of the awesome characters it has (namely Cloud, Sephiroth, Vincent, Cid “fucking awesome”* Highwind, the Turks and Zack), the plot, gameplay and the Materia system. And XII for graphics, and the fantabulous-ness that are Balthier, Rasler and Vossler.
*Yes, that was for you,
vicodin_vision ^_~
4) Who are your three favourite FF characters?
- Cloud. Even though he can be a cold-hearted, whiney little emo kid sometimes, and a complete doofus the rest, I just love him.
- Lord Braska. Has, like, ten minutes of screentime, but he totally melted my heart.
- Gah, I can’t pick just three, damnit! Sephiroth… no, Auron! Oh wait, Balthier! But what about Vossler… and Rasler (the dude who does Lord Braska’s voice does his too, so naturally I squee-ed like the rabid fangirl I am)! And I can’t forget Vincent… Oh, and I have such a soft spot for Reeve, too… and Zell, Seifer and Laguna… Ah bugger it, I can’t pick.
5) Who are your three least liked FF characters?
- Seymour Guado. Christ, I fucking hate that… that thing! The first time I played X, I got up to that part where you have to fight the zombie-fied twat on Mt. Gagazet, and I lost so many times and got so angry that I flung my controller through the glass of my TV cabinet. Needless to say, it took me a long time to get myself to play that again. AND I KICKED HIS WHISPERY-VOICED BACKSIDE.
- Penelo. Drop Vaan and take three steps back, you pigtailed bitch. He’s too pretty for you.
- Paine. Bring on some original characters, PLEASE. She’s just Lulu, but younger and with even more issues. And why oh why do people keep saying she’s Auron’s daughter?!
6) Which FF game had the best soundtrack?
VII. Three words: One Winged Angel.
7) Which are your favourite five pieces of FF music?
VII - One Winged Angel, and I also love that slow one too, Anxious Heart I think it’s called.
VIII - The actual theme itself.
X - That song Rammstein did for it, played during the cut scene when Tidus is playing Blitzball and gets taken to Spira. I spent a lot of time in Mt. Gagazet too, 'cos the music is so pretty. Oh, and the Hymn of the Fayth is one of the most beautiful, haunting tunes EVER. I hum it all the time. ALL THE TIME, DAMNIT, IT’S LIKE A CURSE.
8) Which is your favourite Chocobo theme?
Erm, the one from X, not sure what their names were though.
9) Which is you favourite Chocobo colour?
Gold, ‘cos it took so long to breed the fecking thing.
10) Do you have an FF website?
No. Though I do have an FF comm here on LJ, and RP about it with Sandra, and talk and think about them constantly...
11) Does Amano do the best character designs?
They’re both just as good I think.
12) Which character would you most like to have sex with if they were real?
Lord Braska. Weird summoning robes and all.
13) If you had a job from any job system, which would it be?
Ninja, just so I could do the Ninja dance and impress my friends. But I’d probably be a White Mage really.
14) What's your favourite non-Final Fantasy Squaresoft RPG?
I dunno. I just play the games and if I like it, I like it. I don’t look at who made it.
15) Which FF town would you most like to live in?
VII - Kalm or Wuitai.
VIII- Balamb Garden
X- Besaid or Luca. Bevelle is pretty but all the Yevon talk would annoy me.
XII - Rabanastre, or Eruyt village with all the pretty Vira’s.
16) Which is the best airship?
The Highwind. Ask a stupid bloody question why don’t you.
17) Which is the best Cid?
The VII Cid and the VII Cid only. He’s “FUCKING AWESOME!” xDDD He smokes, yells, swears, drinks tea, has a space rocket and runs like the rest of his body is trying to keep up with his groin. Adorable.
18) Which is the worst Cid?
Technically, the XII Cid. He looked like Robert Di Nero, had the worst maniacal laugh ever and used a huge gun that was obviously in a very over-compensating-for-something way. But if we want to get untechnical… the Kingdom Hearts Cid. WHAT WAS THAT? He didn’t yell at Sora, he didn’t smoke or swear, and he was all helpful and kind! Who are you, and what have you done with Cid Highwind?!
19) What are your favourite FF weapons?
VII - The Buster sword just cos it was the Buster Sword. It was actually shite, but I just liked to go ‘yaaaay, Buster Sword’.
VIII - Meh, they were all shit. I quite liked Kiros’ weird arm-blade things, and the Gunblades were fun to use if you could press R1 at the right time.
X - Auron’s Celestial Weapon fecking rocked.
X-2 - The Dark Knight Dress Sphere was pretty awesome.
XII - The swords, omfg the swords were fab. Hammers were fantastico when they hit with full power but for some reason they would sometimes get really weak, so screw them. Vossler’s sword! KADUNK! Didn’t heal me the whole time he was in the party, but with a huge sword like that I wasn’t complaining.
20) Who was the best FF villain?
I liked Edea just ‘cos of her awesome outfit. Seifer was also great since he didn’t try to be Sephiroth. Seymour, urgh how I loathe him. Vayne was a pain in the arse, Seymour style. So I’m going to go with good ol’ Sephiroth, as he’s crazy for the hell of it.
21) Moogles or Chocobos?
Moogles. SO. DAMN. CUTE. (kupo)
22) Which is your favourite magic system?
The Sphere Grid from X was a piece of piss, but annoying if you had to keep backtracking. I loved the Materia system from VII, I spent ages mastering those.
23) Which is the worst magic system?
The XII Gambits >.< What the hell were they? “La la la, lets ignore that monster… hey, I said ignore it! STOP RUNNING OFF! No, I said open the door, not chase that monster! What, I can’t open the door cos I have the flee buttons held down? Ah, ok… oi, get back here! Right, I’m turning these bastards off. Ok, get that monster… hello, what are you waiting for, get it! Oh wait, I need to turn them back on.” GRRRRR.
24) Which two FF characters would make the best couple?
Auron/Braska. OTP
Cloud/Vincent. They can be miserable together.
Cloud/Zack. Oh, hello spiky-haired canon.
Tidus/Yuna. That fake laughing scene. So cute I could barely stand it.
Baralai/Gippal. Just yes.
Rasler/Ashe. Don’t like Ashe much, but she seemed alright back when she was with Rasler. And poor, sexy-voiced Rasler dies before he could be partnered up with anyone else anyway. Apart from Basch… or Reks… and Vossler…
Rasler/Basch/Reks/Vossler. I would pay to see that :DDDD
25) Which NPC would you most like to have in your party?
Braska, just so I could squee over him, though I’d cry if he died.
The Turks! They are the sex.
Rasler. But same woes as Braska.
Zack. Roll on Crisis Core!
26) Which do you prefer, a futuristic or medieval setting?
Hmmm… I like a mix of both, like Spira and Ivalice.