here are a few pic's from the last party at nicks and then down at the oc...there are still a ton more i need to put on here
me with my brother chris v and nicks
i love food and man i love potatoe rolls
i used kristins inhaler alot
dave and noelle at her place downt the ocean
haha i love how black the bottoms of my feet are from running around town bare foot..oh yeah thats the slip and slide
joshwa d.a.s passes the f out haha that kid is crazy
us in the rain
my handy art work...haha you should of seen mike mitchell
right before i quit putt putt
i get bored easy
we are going to have beautiful babies...damn straight
anyway been hanging out with kyle like all the time...this past week me him and noelle spent the night with dave at his house.D.A.S. twister was fun...i was the champion not donkey kong.D.A.S. with noelle. friday we all went to the drive in for madagascar and batman, me and kyle didnt stay for the honeymooners because it was already 1 something and we both had work early the next morning
yesterday we went swimming at g-mas and ate and napped then went to his house for simpsons, family guy and american dad
toady we hung out at g-mas again and stuff then he took me to work and picked me up...
im off til thursday and want to work on my no longer black...blah
so holler
k.n.c 6/7/03 bitches