30 Candles

Jan 18, 2003 01:48

It was so fun practicing driving with my dad! I drove a Saab 9000 with manual transmissions (almost everyone drives manual cars here, we don't have as bad coordination skills as the americans :p), and it went fine! Even though it was three months ago since last time. Going to sign up for classes at a driving school soon so that I can get my drivers license. I planned to get my license on my 18th birthday, but I've been so lazy and haven't signed up for driving classes yet so there's no way I can get it that soon. :/ Oh well, at least I think I'll get it before my ex-best friend, Maria. Muahahaha! ;)

After I drove me and my mom went out shopping for hair dye for me. I'm going to dye my hair red. Not that I don't like my natural hair color (brown) but I think I need a change, I haven't dyed my hair since I was 14 (I dyed it black then). We got two bottles because I have really, really thick long hair.

Today I was surprised to hear from my mom that her uncle gave me 300 SEK (which is about $35) just for burning some music cd's and "The Emperor's New Groove" on VCD. That surprised me because he is usually pretty cheap, and that was some well needed easy earned cash. :)

Tomorrow (or today, depends how you look at it) it is my bigbrother's 30th birthday! And 10 days later it is my 18th birthday. I got my birthday present early from him (Sim City 4), and he's going to get 400 SEK and four "Trisslotter" (lottery tickets) from me.
His kid and her mom is coming to visit him, so I'm not going to be there. His kid's mom is an air head and a false evil bitch. Ooops, guess I'm not suppose to say that, but she is. ;) He seemed a little depressed today, wonder what it is that bugs him... Turning 30?
I'm tired now... Going to download some mp3s (hope to earn some more easy dough) and go to sleep, maybe watch Jay Leno first if I don't fall asleep right away. *yawns*
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