Octobers past:
October 2005
October 2004 Spent the weekend with people I like, and even tried to see more people but sometimes I underestimate how tired I am come Friday night. Not like my work week is particularly exhausting, but it is a bit draining in a way. I listened to Roman Candle Friday night into Saturday and it never fails to move me. It's been a while since I've listened to the album. I have most of Elliott's stuff on my computer, but Roman Candle is excluded because it's sacred. I know that's cheesey and sentimental and possibly crazy, but there are few albums that are able to reach the core of me and that's one of them. So, I put the album on in the livingroom and let the guitar and words reach every inch of the house. A small and private tribute.
Today, I could have sworn to see a couple of flurries when the train doors opened at Milford. It was exciting and a small escape from the screaming child to my left.
Friday I took a walk to get some pizza and I couldn't stop the grin on my face because it was so chilly and so typical October. Neil Gaiman even slips in some October-love in Fragile Things -- Short Fictions and Wonders (one of a few birthday books to read, and I've started this one first). I never forget about him, but I always forget exactly how much I like him. It doesn't help that he's extremely handsome, either.