So, I’ve not blogged (really blogged, anyway) in a while so I thought I’d take a minute to tell you about my vacation and post a couple videos.
Was super nice, despite the stress that accrued inside my brain in the days before Chris and I left. It all boils down to “he’s not very helpful around the house and doesn’t know how to help without being asked forthright,” and while that’s not a problem on a regular basis, when the entire apartment needs cleaned t-to-b, and I’m on my hands and knees scrubbing the bathtub and he’s sitting on the computer watching anime because “You never asked me to help,” I get a bit stabby. BUT! Once we were in the car on the way that all melted away, and we had a super nice time in North Carolina. There was swimming and shopping and eating and lazing around and lighting off fireworks in the driveway, and I’ve finally found a worthy opponent at Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit: my Aunt Kim. She actually beat me, but only by luck - I had made it with all six wedges to the middle about a half an hour before she did, she just happened to be able to land on the middle before I could. I was both bummed and thrilled. Everyone hates playing with me because honestly, no one can beat me. I’m that much of a Tolkeinite. It’s mildly disturbing but hey. That’s life. Anyway, I didn’t take too many pictures, but my cousins Jess and Nick did so when they get them all Facebooked, I’ll nab some from them and post them here. I also found the time to read a couple Kate Bornstein books, a Hellboy novel, and half of “A Short History of Nearly Everything,” which I need to take out of the library so I can finish it. I love science.
I’ve been home since Sunday night and I’ve been working everyday since then. I thought it would kill me, but I’ve actually been feeling pretty good. Got back into yoga (admittedly very slowly and gently, but my wrist isn’t currently causing me any problems since I’ve been babying it), and I’ve been doing something musical every day too. I made video covers of both Emilie Autumn’s “Thank God I’m Pretty” and Regina Spektor’s “One More Time with Feeling” which I’ll include under a cut at the bottom of this post. Today I think the extent of my music is going to be “how many times can Melissa listen to the same Ben Hardt EP.” Yeah. Besides work from five to nine, I think today is a break day.
Tomorrow, though, Ohno gets his bits removed, so I can’t feed him any more today (I gave him a small lunch around 10:30, as he’s supposed to go in for surgery at about 11:00 tomorrow, and he can’t eat for 24 hours before surgery, but I didn’t want him to starve...) and I feel bad, because usually he gets treats for jumping in his basket and I can’t give him any today. He knows something is up; he’s alternating between being best cutest kitty please love me ever and meanest little fucker on four legs. Now he’s just kind of sulking. Oh, well, Chris works tomorrow evening and I don’t, so I’ll be here to take care of him and it’ll be quiet in the apartment for him to recover.
And two final things, 1) WILLIAM: I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping up with your rants even though you’ve been so good at keeping up with mine. I promise to remedy this soonly. 2) I updated my layout a while back and I don’t think I ever mentioned it, but it’s really pretty so check it out. Layout credit is in the links to the left.
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(One More Time With Feeling)
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(Thank God I’m Pretty)