About that brief commercial break...

May 25, 2009 02:39

Yeah, I know, I’ve been home for like a week and only blogged once. So sue me.

I’m actually gonna try to keep this pretty short, I just wanted to share a couple things with you. I was digging around my iTunes and found some really old files from me in the Washington County Choir my senior (junior? I think it was senior) year of high school. I’m pretty proud of these, and it would mean a lot to me if you would listen. You’ll have to download them, but they’re quick downloads, I promise. There were about 100 kids in the Choir, chosen from all the high schools in Washington County PA. I was kind of a big deal. (I’m kidding, folks.) Anyway, if you wanna try and listen for me, I’m an annoying soprano one, and you might actually be able to pick me out on “Hope for a Resolution”, since there were only three or four of us on that highest bit.

Anyway, here’s two of the seven or eight songs we sang that night. The first is “Ave Verum Corpus” by Mozart, and honestly, we sound way better than the professional recording I have. ;)
Listen to me sing in Latin!

The second is the one I mentioned previously, “Hope for a Resolution.” I’ve no idea who it’s by.
Listen to me sing in English and Swahili!

I may get around to posting the others some other time, but for right now I’m gonna close with a video I recorded recently of me performing Pippin’s Song from The Return of the King. I’m only posting it so you have a future reference; someone on my Youtube asked me to sing it in French for them and I thought I would post it in English before I went all crazy with the Français.

image Click to view

And finally, all of this silly singingness got me thinking: how many fucking languages have I sung in? Well, as it turns out, ten. Spanish, French, Old English, Russian, Latin, Swahili, Elvish, Hebrew, Italian, and of course, English. (More, if you count the Icelandic, Finnish, and other nonsense I churn out in my spare time.) The only one I’m even moderately fluent in is Spanish, which I can read incredibly well, but cannot form the words in my brain to be able to speak it, except for really basic stuff. (El ratón está debajo de la mesa, el gato está en la silla, y el mono está en el árbol!, and if anyone got that joke, I will love you forever.)

Alright, friendly folks and fiends. That is all. Have a pleasant bank holiday weekend.

me, files, spanish, choir, eddie izzard, soprano, music, high school, languages, singing

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