Apr 28, 2009 18:20
So, I’ve noticed a lot of this “FML” stuff going around and it makes me sick. It’s so in vogue to seem helpless and afflicted these days and it makes me want to strangle someone. Why is it so unfashionable to really be happy about something? Do we ever really talk about what makes us happy any more? No, because that’s not cool. I mean, obviously, it’s alright to be frustrated. It’s alright to bitch and vent, you have to. It’s healthy. You can’t keep shit bottled up. But to say, ‘fuck my life’ at every casual turn, with every little thing that goes wrong because it’s in vogue? Because you’re supposed to? Because it’s clever and sarcastic? It’s like people get shadenfreuda FROM THEMSELVES! Are you impoverished? Do you have a terminal, immediately life threatening illness? Are you homeless? Have you no one to talk to? I’m assuming since you have the internet and are on it enough to become a part of a pathetic trend, the answer to most of the above is NO! To add to that, ‘FML’ is never a serious problem, it’s always something small or at least non-life-threatening that could be remedied if you wanted to, or something that will have no impact even two hours from now. THEN FUCK WHAT? FUCK WHAT ABOUT YOUR LIFE?
What I think we need, in homage to Calvin’s dad, is a little character building. A little ‘suck-it-up-itiveness’. I realise I bitch, and I whine, but I also appreciate everything and everyone I know, and I don’t say ‘fuck my life’ every fucking time I stub a toe or make a typo.
This fashionable learned helplessness must stop, lest we become a culture of drones, staring at a TV and talking about how awful it is to be alive.
That is all.