I just applied for a job as a blogger.

Apr 07, 2009 22:06

Can anyone give me a reason why I SHOULDN’T get this job? Anyone? No? Okay. Moving on.

Hockey fights are more than just a little bit sexy.

So I’ve been working on a new story, since I got a desk for my typewriter (read: laid a board across my keyboard stand) and somehow the zombies have already infiltrated it. That’s just the way it is. My typewriter makes me want to write about zombies. Fortunately, I’ve also been a little more motivated to work on my big horror project. Please note I haven’t actually DONE anything with it (okay, I proofread my first five chapters), but it’s at least at the forefront of my mind, followed by zombies, with trash coming in third. Finally. I’m getting focused, and that’s more than I can say I’ve been in a while. I may even drag out that old piece about post-apocalyptic Pittsburgh. You know, the one with the spores. Spores are always an excellent plot device.

If you were watching this blog entry in real time, you would have seen the Penguins go from a four-point shut out lead to a five-four game against the Lightening. You would have also been waiting more than ten minutes for me to continue typing while I got so frustrated with my fonts that I went and found new ones to install so I could continue to blog, even though my blog doesn’t show up in the font I’m typing in.

I. Love. Fonts.

Also, the Pens just secured a playoff spot. I’m not quite sure how that happened, but it made me damn happy.

So I’ve got about half an ice cream cake in my freezer. Who wants to help me eat it?

That’s all for now. I thought I had a whole bunch to say but really I just wanted some more fonts.

Oh, wait. PS. If you want to read either my new zombie story or my old horror story (or my old post-apocalyptic zombie spore story, but it’s pretty rough) let me know, otherwise I’m not going to bother with posting them in my journal until they’re finished, which could realistically be never.

motivated, writing, fonts, cake, playoffs, zombies, penguins, spores, inspired

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